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Top 5 Tech Skills For 2023 – Tech Build Africa

As technology advances daily, new terms related to developing technologies are being created. This process of change is probably here to stay as other roles and abilities take the place of old ones.
Employees will nevertheless be required to be proficient in tasks that call for conceptual, innovative, and emotional intelligence inputs in addition to technological abilities.
Since things in the tech sector move so rapidly, you are not only required to be kept informed on the newest and best trends but you are also required to arm yourself with these tech skills as they are in high demand.
With these abilities, you are not required to work for an actual company. These tech skills provide you the flexibility to select between working as a remote full-time employee for a firm or as a freelancer.
These top 5 tech skills will trend in 2023:
Businesses are starting to notice the financial effects of the growth in cyberattacks. There is a bigger threat faced to organizations and their data now that many workers work remotely, utilizing their own internet networks and technological devices.
As a consequence, most are facing substantial fines, enduring bad publicity, and losing the faith of their clients.
Companies are looking for skilled cybersecurity specialists to be a part of their teams in order to resolve the problem, but not just in their Technology divisions.
Businesses will demand every worker, whether they work in the finance, sales, or marketing teams, to be knowledgeable about cybersecurity risks and best practices as a result of the rise in cyber threats.
Despite this, there will still be a high demand for cybersecurity experts to work on bigger, more challenging projects including managing sensitive data, managing cloud migrations, and safeguarding an organization’s IT infrastructure.
In addition, it is predicted that 10 million jobs in cybersecurity would be required in 2023 alone. So now is the time to improve your skills.
In the Big Data sector, data analytics skills are always in high need. This is tech expertise that you can profit from as a freelancer or prospective full-time remote employee.
By 2026, big data applications and analytics are predicted to create $19.4 billion in revenue, up from $5.3 billion in 2018.
By the end of 2022, it is anticipated that $274.3 billion will have been spent on big data investments. And the manufacturing, professional services, banking, and government sectors are probably where the bulk of this investment is coming from.
Global cloud consumption is anticipated to increase by more than 20.7% from the current year to $591.8 billion in 2023.
Additionally, with 82% of companies viewing cloud migration as a crucial stage in their digital transformation, cloud computing will be a key factor in the modernization and expansion of enterprises all over the world.
Organizations will be required to recruit the best cloud workers, who are familiar with programming languages like SQL and Linux, database administration, AI, and ML, as well as cloud technologies like AWS, Google, Oracle, and Microsoft, in order to assist this growth.
Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly impacted our daily lives in current years, whether it’s through online interaction with a chatbot that seems like a person or requesting Alexa to play our favorite song.
As more companies attempt to implement these technologies, which will result in an increase in the requirement for ML and AI professionals, it is anticipated that global spending on AI technology will surpass $500 billion in 2023.
Domain expertise, programming languages, and data analysis are crucial competencies for those who want to work in machine learning and artificial intelligence. With no signs of stopping, it could be a good idea to update your skill set for 2023 and learn more about ML and AI.
DevOps specialists are in high demand throughout a range of positions, and this need is rising steadily. DevOps is reinventing software development and deployment in businesses by removing the squabbles between development and operations teams, which were one of the major problems that organizations faced for a long time. This is something that that several of you in the tech field or the Information systems industry are aware of.
Simply said, businesses using DevOps principles complete more work quickly. Effective DevOps implementation enables businesses to deliver software solutions quickly.
This improves customer satisfaction, feedback, and communication, which in turn helps prevent and address production concerns. In 2023, this skill will undoubtedly soar.
These tech skills will not only be in great demand in 2023, but they also pay well. Take up a tech talent this year if you’re seeking a way to boost your salary and have several work possibilities.
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