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Helping business flow – Digicloud Africa’s Gregory MacLennan discusses digital natives and Google Cloud – BusinessTech

Gregory MacLennan is the CEO of Digicloud Africa, which is the Google Reseller Enablement partner for Africa.
He has held his current position since October 2018 and leads a team that works with resellers across Africa to bring Google Cloud products and services to businesses.
MacLennan is passionate about driving innovation in the Cloud industry and works with a talented team to provide Digicloud Africa’s resellers with technical expertise to achieve this goal.
Prior to joining Digicloud Africa, MacLennan worked at KPMG for almost ten years.
In this time, he served in several senior roles, including as the senior manager in the office of the CEO at KPMG South Africa, and the senior manager of the KPMG energy and natural resources audit department.
MacLennan then joined ACDC Dynamics as the CFO in June 2013 before finally joining the Digicloud Africa team.
In this episode of Helping business flow, MacLennan meets with Michael Avery to discuss digital native companies, which are businesses that lead with technology.
He explains that digital native businesses are built with a technology-centric approach – as opposed to traditional companies that are merely technology-enabled – and outlines how they reap the benefits of this approach.
MacLennan then unpacks how the cloud supports digital natives by allowing them to leverage a vast array of different technologies with less investment.
He also talks about the strengths of the Google Cloud service, including how easy it is for businesses of all sizes to use.
Finally, MacLennan explains how Digicloud Africa can help businesses begin their Google Cloud journey.
The full discussion between Digicloud Africa CEO Gregory MacLennan and Michael Avery is embedded below.

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