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‘Zweli Mkhize not cleared in Digital Vibes scandal’ – SIU – The Citizen

News » South Africa
Faizel Patel
The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has confirmed that it has not cleared anyone in the Digital Vibes matter, including former health minister Zweli Mkhize.
The SIU was responding to an article by IOL titled SIU ‘clears’ Zweli Mkhize in Digital Vibes scandal published on Tuesday.
According to the report in IOL, Mkhize called on the SIU to make amendments to the Digital Vibes report, following its admission that it did not have the Cabinet documents it had relied on to make the adverse findings against him.
ALSO READ: Digital Vibes scandal: Health department sanctions top officials
The publication further states that the SIU’s response, which came to Mkhize’s legal team via State attorneys and which the Daily News has seen, said the documents “either does not exist or are not in the SIU’s possession”.
“That prompted Mkhize to call for the report to be amended so that his name could be cleared and that the SIU had no evidence against him,” reported the publication.
The SIU said it has taken note of the article which is misleading.
“As the publication has the potential to mislead the public, the SIU is enjoined to set the record straight.”
The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has noted the @IOL publication on Tuesday, 18 October 2022,titled “SIU ‘clears’ Zweli Mkhize in Digital Vibes scandal”.

As the publication has the potential to mislead the public, the SIU is enjoined to set the record straight.— Special Investigating Unit (SIU) (@RSASIU) October 19, 2022
“SIU has not cleared anyone in the Digital Vibes matter. The matter is currently pending in the High Court. Due to this matter pending in court, the SIU will respect the court process and not comment further,” it said.
Investigations by an independent forensic audit firm and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) found that a tender awarded to Digital Vibes to handle communications around the national health insurance and Covid-19 was irregular.
This resulted in the wasteful and irregular expenditure of R150 million.
Mkhize was forced to resign after he, his family and close associates were implicated in the tender.
The former minister said that he had been unfairly treated by the SIU during their investigation into the Digital Vibes contract, which is similar to what his son, Dedani also repeatedly voiced.
ALSO READ: Digital Vibes: SIU explains why it apologised to Mkhize
2022 The Citizen. All Rights Reserved.


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