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Government needs to act 'lightning fast' on latest digital transformation roadmap – Bdaily

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24 Aug 2022 by O Communications
A digital transformation roadmap unveiled by the Government this month is excitingly ambitious, but the mammoth challenge needs a different approach if it’s not doomed to fail, says one tech entrepreneur.
Government policy paper “2022 to 2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data, Transforming for a Digital Future” launched to set out a digital ambition to create a more joined-up and efficient government.
Stating “people expect government services to be as good as the best online experiences in the private sector. Rising to meet these expectations will require change on a scale that government has never undertaken before” the UK government is setting to improve the way it uses digital and data to enable it to operate more efficiently.
Digital transformation experts SPG believe it’s destined to fail unless the public sector embraces a new way of tackling the mammoth challenge and not replicate the slow and painful projects of the past.
Gareth Humphreys, Consulting Partner at SPG, says: “The technology landscape we are talking about is highly complex, broad, and expansive so it’s going to be incredibly difficult with so many disparate systems, extensive legacy estate and a variety of user-facing services.
“This leaves government IT leaders with a near-impossible task – to optimise the technology estate without breaking line of business systems. Splitting the roadmap into missions is a good start but it will be interesting to see how each mission is cascaded and executed by the different government departments.
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