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Region 16 experiencing increase for it’s technology support services – KFDA

AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) – Region 16 has seen a high increase since the start of the academic year for its technology support services.
“We really augment that process and help them have a level of support that really helps them when they don’t have that technology presence or even if they only have one person. We’re a support system for that person because one person simply can’t do everything. And we have a team of nearly 30 people that are ready to help on a moment’s notice,” said Michael Keough, Chief Technology Officer at Region 16.
Region 16 helps over 50 school districts in the area, due to many have small tech team or none at all.
“Having the increase in devices has increased the need for assistance with setting up the devices, making it managing devices and ensuring that those devices are secure, have a lot of needs and especially when,” said Jandi Tyson, Coordinator of Manage Services at Region 16.
With all schools going online by 2023, means more devices, Region 16 helps provide reliable and safe internet.
“They have challenges we have to be available to make sure that we’re we’re we’re there to cover their needs. And if they have a problem, we have to get there pretty quick to make sure that they’re covered and they’re taken care of,” said Michael Keough.
“Having a team of staff like we do here at region allows us to be able to send those teams out and get those school districts ready to go and ready to roll that first day,” said Jandi Tyson.
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