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MT 35 Women Under 35: Jennifer Johansson, Placed App – Management Today

We hear from Jennifer Johansson (31), chief executive and founder of Placed App.
At just 14 years old, Johansson became a breakfast hostess at a hotel. She worked her way up to a luxury concierge service and quickly realised that the hospitality industry has a “recruitment problem”. Despite being the largest employer of those under 25, people are often snobby about the sector. As a result, it struggles to attract and retain talent. So in 2017, Johansson launched Tinder for the hospitality industry: Placed App. Businesses that use the platform have a three times higher conversion-to-hire rate and despite the challenges presented during the global pandemic, revenue increased 25% month on month in 2021.

How many positions have you had?

As a teen I had 4 different extra jobs. I’ve had 1 “real office job” before setting up my first business. I’ve started two businesses, Placed being the second one. 

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