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Air Force Unveils Interim CIO Strategy Outlining Digital Transformation Priorities Through 2028 – Executive Gov

The Department of the Air Force has released an interim draft strategy outlining the chief information officer’s digital transformation priorities over the next six years.
The CIO Public Strategy for fiscal year 2023 to 2018 aims to accelerate the adoption of cloud for the warfighter, build a secure and resilient digital environment, develop a unified talent management strategy, enhance IT portfolio management, create core IT and mission-enabling services and operationalize data and artificial intelligence.
The strategy also puts focus on implementing a zero trust architecture to enable the Air Force to protect data across multiple classification levels.
Lauren Knausenberger, CIO of the Air Force and a 2022 Wash100 Award winner, said zero trust will enable the military branch to simplify its warfighting domain, Breaking Defense reported.
“If we can get to the point where we know who you are, that we have our data tagged, that we can get to multi-level security, that we can maybe not have folks like the USAF commander have 22 different networks in five different machines on their desk, [then] we can fight a lot more easily,” Knausenberger said.
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