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‘The world needs a 20 million developer talent pool by 2030’ – 20 quotes of the week on digital transformation – YourStory

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Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). This special series of quotes focuses on the increasing impact of digital media around the world. Share these 15 gems and insights with your colleagues and networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.
See also our pick of Top Quotes of 2021 on Entrepreneurship, Investment, Digital Transformation, Storytelling, The India Opportunity, Pandemic Resilience, Failure Recovery, Design, and Art.
Measurement of learning outcomes, quality of content, AR/VR content, and supplemental learning are going to drive the future of edtech. – PP Sunil Acharya, AWS
Exemplary teachers who are not yet discovered should get onboarded on edtech platforms and find their next customer base. – Pallavi Venkateshan, AISPL
Education has reached an inflection point where new technologies can help enhance the teaching process, reduce the administrative burden, and ultimately create a better and more personalised learning experience for students, at scale. – Charlotte Trugdill, Jackett
Digital transformation and digitisation will continue to see major traction in the healthcare domain. – Nitin Gupta, Suki
Data is the new oil, patients have that oil, and they control that oil. – Gunjan Bhardwaj, Partex NV
Insuretech firms are reimagining how health insurance of tomorrow could look like. The idea of the insurance is not just to provide you financial protection when you walk into a hospital, but to take care of your holistic health, so you don’t fall sick at all. – Saurabh Arora, Plum
Fintechs can speed up slow financing and cash flow procedures, boosting MSMEs’ growth.Shams Tabrej, Ezeepay
Many processes and pathways can be created for online citizens to gather together offline and online to take an issue forward towards a resolution point. – Rohini Nilekani, ‘Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar’
Face biometric technology offers the ability to authenticate customers in a user-friendly way and simultaneously strengthen security. – Siddharth Kukatlapalli, Syntizen
Privacy and data are two sides of the same coin. Data has been one of the biggest trends in the last few years and it’s only a matter of time before privacy catches up. – Abhishek Mohan, Sequoia India
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B2C startups are initially operationally intensive and later become tech-intensive, but it is the opposite for B2B startups.Naganand Doraswamy, Ideaspring Capital
For gamers, Web3 is exciting because they can go and trade, and it’s open and transparent, and they own the assets themselves. – Shripati Acharya, Prime Venture Partners
Technology is playing a very big role in this [astrology] sector as customers have access to thousands of verified astrologers 24/7. – Puneet Gupta, AstroTalk
Product protection is no longer an afterthought; in fact, it is rapidly taking centre stage for both OEMs and consumers. – Apurva Patel, Singularity Growth
Technology keeps changing and the reality is that technology, more than anything else, is the hardest thing to undo and redo. – Ameera Shah, Metropolis Healthcare
The world needs a 20 million developer talent pool by 2030. – Ashish Sharma, upGrad
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).


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