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EVSC school board candidates talk diversity, inclusion and masks – Courier & Press

EVANSVILLE − The Courier & Press asked candidates for Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. board to share their responses to questions about education and public schools.
Four seats are open on the seven-member school board in the Nov. 8 general election. They include one from District 1, two in District 2 and one At-Large seat.
Because there are 14 candidates competing to fill these positions, the candidates were asked to keep replies brief. The answers will appear in separate articles for District 1, District 2 and At-Large candidates unless they did not respond or chose not to answer briefly and in the question-and-answer format.
More:Evansville school board candidate says education system ‘indoctrinating’ students about race
The first questions cover topics raised in education forums and on social media since the last school board election in 2020, and include diversity and inclusion topics, mask mandates and curriculum issues such as critical race theory.
Election coverage:Here’s who’s running for office in Vanderburgh County in 2022
In communities across the nation, including Indiana, parents and community members have expressed concerns about how school curriculums address these topics, especially critical race theory or CRT.
CRT is an academic theory that racism is not just individual prejudice, but is interwoven into institutions and public policies, promoting racial inequality in education and society.
Like other topics, CRT became a political arguing point in 2021, especially in K-12 education. Here is what Jason Woebkenberg, spokesman for the EVSC says about CRT:
“Critical Race Theory is a concept taught at the graduate level of universities. Our teachers cover content aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards. CRT is not part of these standards; therefore, our teachers do not teach this concept. The controversy involving CRT originated on the West Coast and has now led to continued rumors and falsehoods in the Midwest.”
Here’s what District 1 candidates say.
Chris Kiefer (incumbent): “The Indiana Department of Education establishes standards and then tests our students to determine proficiency or mastery on these very standards. This is why school boards have very little discretion in curriculum matters beyond those established by the IDOE. It is quite the opposite of local control. It is a state mandate.Additionally, the IDOE provides (establishes) curriculum standard and provides a list of recommendations for curriculum resources that are aligned to these standards.”
Anthony Clutter: “They should supervise it and leave it up to the teachers that are teaching it, they know what they aredoing and know how not to offend people.”
Jeremy Heath: “The school board should strive to ensure that children are given a proper education from day one inkindergarten all the way up to high school graduation. Anything that interferes with the most basictenets of a balanced education should be discussed between parents and teachers, reviewed anddecided upon by the board. Our children should be given an education that makes them knowledgeableand free-thinking citizens, not preprogrammed activist drones for either political side.”
Kiefer: “I personally don’t think that critical race theory is grade-level appropriate, and it is my understanding that it is taught in higher education at the master’s degree level of education. Critical race theory is not an approved Indiana state standard; therefore, it is not included in the K-12 curriculum in the EVSC classrooms.”
Clutter: “Yes, but last I have checked it is not being taught in schools. You can step around it, and go all race theories should be taught.”
Heath: “At a time when many universities must offer remedial math, science, and English courses, I believethat adding such a course would be a waste of resources, and misguided at best.”
Kiefer: “I think it is critical that students feel a sense of belonging within our schools. I understand our students come from very diverse backgrounds, and it is incumbent on us to provide the appropriate levels of support required to meet the individual needs of all students within our school corporation. I believe the educator’s role isn’t to tell students what to think, but to teach them how to think critically.”
Clutter: “I think it could be talked about. I am half Hispanic. I would love for a class to talk aboutwhere they came from. I am always interested in other people cultures, I also support the Black LivesMatters movement. I know race can be a touchy subject, but It could be something to talk and growfrom.”
Heath: “The best way to handle race and racism in schools is to demonstrate equality in action. Children areperceptive. If they see equality in action, they will come to embrace equality. If they see feignedequality via facetious and divisive agendas, they will come to accept that division is not only acceptable,but embraced.”
Kiefer: “I believe the strength of the EVSC is that we serve all students. It is critical to the mission of what we do as educators! Students must feel a sense of belonging within our schools!”
Clutter: “Students are going to be students, and we are not going to allow bullying of students who are different. Diversity is an advantage if it is approached by everyone the same way.”
Heath: “I’m more concerned about how public schools are handling the subjects that our children should befocused on in the first place.”
Kiefer: “The EVSC was the largest district in the Midwest to remain open every day for in-person instruction during the pandemic, which I believe was critical to student learning. The EVSC follows the advice of our state and local health care professionals to determine the steps necessary to keep our students safe and in school.”
Clutter: “It depends on how extreme the crises are. I Like how the EVSC handled the situation and if ithappened again masks would be key. But I like how now masks are optional. If you feel unsafe, wear a mask. Students and teachers should have that option.”
Heath: “No.”


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