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Where can I find a mobile app developer? – NextPit International

Sep 16, 2022, 5:38:19 PM via Website
Sep 16, 2022 5:38:19 PM via Website
When you Google this question, the first page is full of platforms like aspired. While I think it’s possible to find a great software engineer using services like Upwork, I think I have a problem with the development process: a communication gap. What you definitely don’t want to happen is receiving a product with untested functionality or non-functional functionality. We’ve all been there. Cheap is expensive. You never know what outcome to expect, so seek feedback on the engineers you want to hire. You can do this through Upwork or by asking for advice on meetings and conferences.
The best place to hire, in my opinion, is B2B ratings and reviews. Just because there you can find a software or app development company that takes responsibility for what it does. Plus, you’ll find customer testimonials approved by B2B ratings and reviews. I highly recommend outsourcing or updating the team. Here you can read why hiring a dedicated team can help your product.
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What is ID4me?
ID4me is an internet service that enables its users to log in to many different internet services with one account. This is also known as “single sign on”.
Unlike existing global single sign on solutions like the ones from Google or Facebook, ID4me does not track and analyze the internet surfing habits of its users. ID4me will make sure that the surfing habits stay secret.
Also, ID4me does not belong to an enterprise. It is an open standard that is maintained by a nonprofit organization. Anyone who wants to can participate. This way the users can chose freely between different ID4me providers and can also change the provider anytime.
Further information can be found here:
The last section of the technical overview explains how to set up an ID4me account:


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