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Transforming Education Summit (Solutions Day) – All sessions in Conference Room 1 – UN Web TV

17 September 2022
The Solutions Day at the Transforming Education Summit (16, 17 & 19 September 2022) will provide a platform for partners to mobilize support to launch or scale up initiatives connected to the Summit Thematic Action tracks. Coalitions for action or other multi-stakeholder initiatives that will contribute to transforming education will be presented. 
10:00 – 11:30: 
A holistic & equitable approach to digital transformation
How Microsoft, UNICEF and governments are coming together to ensure children and young people are ready for a digital future?
Action Track 4
Organized by Microsoft, Iraq, Mexico and UNICEF
11:45 – 12:45:
A New Global Movement to Re-imagine the Role(s) of Schools, Youth, Systems, and Societies for the Future of Teachers, Teaching and the Teaching Profession.
Action Track 3
Organized by Portugal, Tanzania, UNICEF, Schools 2030, Aga Khan Foundation, UNESCO, GPE, LEGO Foundation and Generation Unlimited
13:00 – 14:30:
Effective Educational Ecosystems
Solutions for Open Digital Content.
Action Track 4
Organized by Nigeria, Finland, Germany and South Africa
14:45 – 16:15:
Transforming Education Through Teacher Leadership and Innovation
Action Track 3
Organized by United Arab Emirates, South Africa and UNESCO – International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
16:30 – 18:00
Scaling Evidence-based EdTech in Kenya, Malawi, and Sierra Leone
Action Track 4
Organized by EdTech, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Kenya, UNICEF and Imagine Worldwide
The Transforming Education Summit is being convened in response to a global crisis in education – one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance. Often slow and unseen, this crisis is having a devastating impact on the futures of children and youth worldwide. The Summit provides a unique opportunity to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover pandemic-related learning losses and sow the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world.
Transforming Education Summit website


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