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10 African countries with the best digital quality of life index – Business Insider Africa

Business Insider Edition
Digitization has become the status quo in today’s world. There are numerous tasks that were painstaking years ago but are today, performed with the touch of a screen.
However, while digitization has become a norm in some regions of the world, others are still struggling to integrate tech into their everyday lives.
Surf Shark, a cyber security service company located in the Netherland, released a study, showing countries in the world with the most digitization.
They based their findings on 5 key metrics, including internet affordability, internet quality, electronic infrastructure, electronic security, and electronic government.
Collating data on these components, the company was able to put together the countries with the best digital quality of life index (DQL).
The 2022 DQL by Surf Shark is the company’s 4th iteration of the study. Since 2019, Surf Shark has been conducting this research, and each year, the list looks a little bit different.
According to the company, “This year’s study includes 7 (6%) more countries than DQL 2021, most of which are on the African continent.”
The company also stated, “Revised from 110 in 2021, the DQL 2022 Index now analyzes 117 countries worldwide according to internet affordability, internet quality, e-infrastructure, e-security, and e-government. These pillars have 14 indicators that help measure overall digital quality of life.”
So without further ado, here are the ten African countries with the best DQL index according to Surf Shark:
South Africa: Rated as the 66th country in the world and 1st in Africa in its DQL ranking, South Africa has an overall DQL index of 0.4131.
Mauritius: At number 2 is the East African nation of Mauritius, the country is ranked 68th in the world with a DQL score of 0.4117.
Morocco: This is the 77th country with the highest DQL in the world and 3rd in Africa, scoring 0.4051 in its overall DQL index.
Tunisia: The North African nation of Tunisia comes in at number 4 in Africa and 77th in the world. Its overall DQL index is 0.3848.
Kenya: Kenya is just one step away from Tunisia placing 78th in the world and 5th in Africa, its DQL index is 0.3836.
Egypt: This North African giant comes in at 85th in the world, placing 6th in Africa, its DQL index is 0.3475.
Nigeria: Speaking of giants, the giants of Africa, Nigeria is close behind Egypt at 86th in the world and 7th in Africa, its DQL index is 0.3437.
Ghana: The next country on the list is another West African country. Ghana comes in at 88th in the world and 8th in Africa. Its DQL index is 0.3330.
Algeria: Algeria is the 9th African country with the highest DQL index, coming in at 92nd in the world. Its overall DQL score is 0.3222.
Senegal: And finally we have Senegal on this top 10 list. It is the 10th African country with the highest DQL index and the 95th in the world. Its DQL score is 0.3143.
These are the ten African countries with the highest digital quality of life index, and they are the only African countries in the top 100 in the world save Uganda and Ivory Coast, which came in at 98th and 100th respectively, with DQL scores of 0.2983 and 0.2946.
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