Awesome leadership is to create an inside-out culture where the people in your charge feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.
It all starts with building relationships and making friends first.
Great leaders in the hotel industry started by creating an inside-out culture.
J. W “Bill” Marriott; “Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them. We know if we treat our employees right, they’ll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, they’ll come back.”
Sir Richard Branson; “Train your people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”
Maya Angelou told us what leadership is all about; “People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Let’s dive into how to create a new innovative inside-out culture for your hotel.
Digital Transformation Secrets with Tipping Point Leadership Create new Success Stories for Hotels
Leadership starts with understanding the value of building relationships and making friends first. And from there start to understand how to inspire and motivate people’s beliefs and feelings.
To make a shift towards tipping point leadership we look at a framework that is created to transform leadership strength and achieve a higher impact with a lower investment of time.
This is a shift that helps leaders release the unexploited talent and energy within their hotel.
If you start building a relationship and make friends with employees first this creates a shift toward feeling more trust towards the leader. And employees will then start to feel more inspired and act with commitment.
The tipping point leadership shift looks at four questions;
- ELIMINATE – Which acts and activities do you as a hotel leader invest your time and intelligence in that should be eliminated?
- REDUCE – Which acts and activities do you as a hotel leader invest your time and intelligence in that should be reduced well below their current level?
- RAISE – Which acts and activities do you as a hotel leader invest your time and intelligence in that should be raised well above their current level?
- CREATE – Which acts and activities should you as a hotel leader invest your time and intelligence in that you currently don’t undertake?
From these four questions you create a new tipping point leadership canvas;
Here you have to start by understanding your current acts and activities. And it is important here to work with employees to understand how your leadership role is currently experienced. Tipping-point leadership and growth mindsets go hand in hand. A growth mindset leader has a desire to learn from criticisms and feedback.
Study the answers from your four questions lined out in the Tipping Point Leadership and plot your As-Is leadership style.
You might learn that have a leadership style that;
Above average
- Enforce established ways of doing things at your hotel
- Solve problems and put out fires
- Make more than one person responsible for the same initiative
- Request frequent and detailed progress reports on initiatives
- Conduct meetings for operational improvements
Below average
- Create a safe environment for learning
- Explain the strategy clearly
- Deal with poor performance
- Coach, inspire, and motivate direct reports
- Communicate the hotel’s vision and what it means to people
The As-Is canvas will help you get a good perspective of both the good and the bad of how people currently view your leadership role.
I listed here just a few things that you might learn. But the key to this process is that engagement will be raised, and you start getting a new perspective of the hotel’s market reality and performance.
Tipping Point Leadership
With tipping point leadership you will start focusing on what acts and activities you need to do to create a leap in motivation and results driven by people, and not on whom they need to be.
From the As-Is canvas, you now have valuable information that will help you create a To-Be canvas.
The key to creating a successful To-Be canvas as a Tipping Point Leader is to use it in context with Fair Process.
Fair process is the point in the digital transformation where you focus on collaboration, community, and building trust.
Building trust and making friends first will inspire your hotel’s employees to use their energy and efforts to the best of their abilities to go beyond the call of duty to help you execute the digital transformation framework.
And three activities are put in place to implement Fair Process and start reimagining new possibilities with your employees;
- Engagement: this is about collaborating and involving employees and customers in new strategic decisions that affect them by soliciting their input and allowing them to refute the merits of one another’s ideas and assumptions. It is key to communicate respect for individuals and their points of view. This will result in more effective decisions and genuine commitment from everyone involved in execution.
- Explanation: ensure that everyone involved and affected understands why the final strategic decisions are made. An explanation of the rationale supports confidence among all the people involved, and that their ideas and input have been considered. This principle serves as a powerful opportunity to learn and help to learn.
- Expectation clarity: requires that after the strategy is set the new rules of the game have to be clearly stated. If you started in the spirit of collaboration and partnership with people through the engagement and explanation principles they will take ownership of the new rules of the game. When people clearly understand expectations, political jockeying and favoritism are minimized, and everyone involved can focus on executing the strategy rapidly.
And from this the new tipping point To-Be leadership canvas might look like this;
- Enforce established ways of doing things at your hotel
- Solve problems and put out fires
- Make more than one person responsible for the same initiative
- Request frequent and detailed progress reports on initiatives
- Conduct meetings for operational improvements
- Create a safe environment for learning
- Explain the strategy clearly
- Deal with poor performance
- Coach, inspire, and motivate direct reports
- Communicate the hotel’s vision and what it means to people
- Collaborate, celebrate and reward positive results
- Clarify hotels strategy and how people fit in
- Set performance goals together
- Share best practices across your hotel teams
- Develop a system for personal and hotel transformation
- Remove bureaucratic blocks
Through this process, you will become a tipping point leader that is in alignment with your employees, customers, and the local community.
You will through tipping point leadership ignite an inside-out culture that will transform your hotel. Employees, customers, and the community will start to understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves.
And when people experience something that leaves them with a better feeling than when they arrived they will share it with their community. Your hotel’s next success stories come from newly developed beliefs and feelings.
Digital Transformation Framework Partnership for Hotels
Hotels today have to invest in people and technology in a context that adds value to everyone involved.
Don’t continue to neglect or take the people’s transformation for granted. Technology is a digital tool that will help your hotel when implemented in collaboration with your employees.
Partner with your employees and they will help with retaining and hiring people.
I also invite you to work with me as your hotel partner to help implement a new innovative digital transformation framework that opens the digital gateways to more direct bookings without competing with the OTA.
Shoot me an email at: [email protected]
Are Morch is a digital transformation coach helping hotels open their digital front door, reimagine their processes and culture, and transform experiences in a fast-paced world!
Are Morch
Digital Transformation Coach
Are Morch, Digital Transformation Coach
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