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Minister Simpson and educations leaders meet for 2022-2023 school year update – Government of Northwest Territories

Yellowknife — October 20, 2022
The Honourable R.J. Simpson, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) met virtually with education leaders on October 4.
The Minister shared information with leaders about proposed updates to legislation, an upcoming territorial educators conference, plans to convene a Youth Advisory Committee on Education, and his priorities for the final year of the 19th Legislative Assembly.
Health and Social Services (HSS) Minister Julie Green was also in attendance at the meeting and alongside Minister Simpson, provided an update on the Child and Youth Care Counsellor (CYCC) program in schools this year. Education leaders heard about ECE and HSS’s next steps toward evaluating the CYCC program in order to adjust and make improvements.
Minister Simpson updated education leaders on continued work to develop a legislative proposal for technical amendments to the Education Act; make amendments to the Child Day Care Act and Official Languages Act; and bring into force new legislation for post-secondary education that establishes a framework for recognizing post-secondary institutions in the Northwest Territories (NWT) for the first time. He also discussed the renewed plans for a Youth Advisory Committee on Education, which has been stalled due to COVID-19. This will be an innovative and effective way to hear directly from youth on issues that matter to them.
ECE updated leaders on progress toward renewing the NWT Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 (JK-12) curriculum and adapting the British Columbia curriculum to the territory’s context. Educators and senior leaders from BC’s Ministry of Education will be present at the three-day NWT Territorial Educators’ Conference and Women’s Symposium this week to discuss their experiences with curriculum renewal.
Finally, parties discussed housing challenges for educators and its impact on teacher hiring. ECE is committed to collecting information regarding this situation in order to support education bodies.
ECE and education leaders are scheduled to meet in-person on January 25, 2023.
“It’s been a successful start to the 2022-23 school year thanks to the tremendous work of the NWT’s educators, as well as students and families. I’m so glad that we’ve returned to in-person learning and to see extracurricular activities resume this year. Education leaders and I discussed exciting initiatives we have to look forward to this year, as well as some challenges, such as affordable housing for teacher hiring and evaluating the Child and Youth Care Counsellor program. I’m confident that we’re on the right path and I look forward to continued collaboration with education leaders on these matters.”
R.J. Simpson, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment
“Many NWT students  are experiencing depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. The child and youth care counselling program is a collaboration  with ECE to  deliver counselling services in schools to help children, youth and their families. The goal of the program is to make mental health services easy to access, beginning at an early age.
Julie Green, Minister of Health and Social Services
“We thank Minister Simpson, Minister Green and ECE for their time. It was an informative meeting that covered a host of topics impacting education and educators in the Northwest Territories. We look forward to hearing about the progress of the Child and Youth Counsellor CYCC evaluation, next steps for JK-12 Curriculum Renewal, and various legislation that will have a positive impact on the education system.”
Renalyn Pascua-Matte, Chair, Dehcho Divisional Education Council
For more information contact:
Briony Grabke
Manager, Communications and Public Affairs
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Renalyn Pascua-Matte
Chair, Dehcho Divisional Education Council


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