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"Africa is full of stories" – Landscape News

This year, climate change disasters and the food crisis have worsened food insecurity for millions in both Africa and around the world. But in one of the few gatherings of its kind, the Global Landscapes Forum on 15 September brought together nearly 200 speakers and thousands of participants – spanning sectors and regions of Africa – to learn to build a sustainable and resilient agricultural future on the continent. While the GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference may be finished, you can read a wrap-up of the event, as well as learn some key statistics about the conference. In the meantime, enjoy this selection of notable quotes from our speakers:
“Enhancing the digital literacy of women is a key tool to promote sustainable development.” – Barbara Birungi Mutabazi, Executive Director, Hive Colab
“Women make the best community agents when it comes to development.” – Lavender Ondere, environment, climate change, natural resource management, and resilience expert, World Vision Kenya
“[Women] will do the work. They’ll take action. They just need that startup piece of knowledge to do so.” – Constance Okollet, Ugandan farmer and Chair of Osukuru United Women’s Network
“Never before have we been facing as many global crises simultaneously as we are today. Today, we not only need to take action against one of the worst global food crises ever, but we also need to make our food systems resilient to future crises. Let us consider this as an opportunity.” – Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
“We need African leaders to actively promote investment in the agricultural sector. After all, agriculture is the coolest job in the world. African agribusiness will be worth USD 1 trillion by 2030, and everyone does need to eat.” – Ineza Grace, Coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
“If we are reactive, we may continue to experience more of the same, but if we become proactive, we may well become leaders of new food systems.” – Carlos Lopes, Honorary Professor, Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town
“Small-scale producers grow a third of the world’s food but can still go to bed hungry themselves. This is both an economic issue and one of equity and inclusion.” – Alvaro Lario, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
“The effects of climate change are not going to be the future problem. They are happening now, today, at this very moment.” – Ineza Grace, Coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
“The climate and food crises reinforce each other.” – Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
“It’s totally unfair, it’s totally unrealistic to ask a continent like Africa, which is responsible for a mere percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, to forego any development because we in the developed countries are responsible for 75 percent of emissions.” – Robert Nasi, Director General, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
“In Africa, the biggest climate change impact can be seen in the food, agriculture and health sectors with knock-on effects on poverty, the economy, migration and conflicts.” – Youba Sokona, Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
“The new type of profitability is sustainability…which affects the full value chain.” – Violet Amoabeng, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Skin Gourmet Limited
“Urban areas do not have to be concrete jungles; from the rooftops to balconies.” – Alice Mwangi, Founder, Permaculture Designer, Trainer and Consultant on Agroecology and Regenerative Agricultural Practices, Hillside Organic Garden Kabete
“When we adopt circular thinking, we become more conscious of our actions and behavior from morning to evening.” – Nicodemus Omundo, Chef Entrepreneur, author and systems thinker, Organic Life Limited
“Africa is not ‘defined by poverty.’ Africa is rich. Africa is full of stories. Africa is full of diversity. It’s full of young hearts, it’s full of culture, it’s full of innovation. It’s full of new ideas.” – Jamila Jana, Marine Biologist, Stellenbosch University
“What I hope to achieve is more stewards. I hope to pass on and educate more people on the importance of restoration, the beauty of nature, to heal the planet. That is my greatest ambition.” – Eva Makandi, Founder, Light on a Hill and GLF Restoration Steward 2022
“To any young African out there, I want you to know that the future and present is ours, so seize every opportunity you have to make a difference now.” – Rebecca Bakare, Co-founder, Nueden Bio
“Don’t manage poverty, but manage development.” – Cristina Duarte, Special Advisor on Africa to the United Nations Secretary-General, United Nations
“To scale up innovation, we need the right politics, well-tailored financial investments, leadership and accountability, technology transfer and trust-based cooperation.” – Safiatu Nana, Coordinator, GLFx Ouagadougou
The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement. The Forum takes a holistic approach to create sustainable landscapes that are productive, prosperous, equitable and resilient and considers five cohesive themes of food and livelihoods, landscape restoration, rights, finance and measuring progress. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank and Charter Members. Charter members: CIAT, CIFOR-ICRAF, CIRAD, Climate Focus, Conservation International, Crop Trust, Ecoagriculture Partners, The European Forest Institute, Evergreen Agriculture, FAO, FSC, GEF, GIZ, ICIMOD, IFOAM – Organics International, The International Livestock Research Institute, INBAR, IPMG, IUFRO, Rainforest Alliance, Rare, Rights and Resources Initiative, SAN, TMG-Think Tank for Sustainability, UNCCD, UNEP, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation part of Wageningen Research, World Farmer Organization, World Bank Group, World Resources Institute, WWF International, Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)


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