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Candidates Corner: Navarro ISD Board of Trustees –

The Seguin Daily News today continues to highlight the local candidates appearing on the November 8, 2022, General Election. Each candidate was asked to respond to the following three questions. Early voting begins Monday, Oct. 24 and runs through Friday, Nov. 4. Today’s featured race is the at-large contest for the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees. The SDN looks at the eight candidates vying for one of four available seats up for grabs. In this race, voters will be voting for none, two, three or four times for one candidate. It is important to note that voters will be permitted to vote up to four times for one candidate. Please note candidate Eric Monkerub was unable to participate in the following questionnaire.
DONNA GILLIAM, incumbent
Tell us why you’re running?
My family and I have lived in this area for 22 years and have been a part of the Navarro Community for the last 13 years.  We chose Navarro ISD because the district has great academics and extracurricular activities, friendly people, and a small-town feel.  Once I put on that purple panther shirt, I invested in the district and got involved in school and community activities.   I am seeking re-election so that I may continue my work for Navarro ISD and to meet the challenges that we face together in this fast-growing district while preserving and honoring our traditions of the past. The District is currently in the process of constructing a new high school where I have spent numerous hours planning with the board, architects and contractors.  I feel that being re-elected, I can continue the progress of the new high school construction without losing transition and training time.  My husband, Ryan, and I have three children.    
We have a sophomore, Madison, at Navarro High School and Matthew and Mary recently graduated from Navarro. I actively attend as many events and fundraisers for Navarro students as I can, and I am involved in several Parent Organizations that help to benefit the students of Navarro.  I am familiar with the needs of our Navarro Community and Guadalupe County.  
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
Navarro ISD is experiencing substantial growth.  There are approximately twelve new neighborhoods in various planning/building stages with an expected 1,000 to 2,000 additional students in the next decade.  If re-elected, I plan to continue to work with the Planning and Facility Committee to address the needs of our district by evaluating current demographic and traffic studies and listening to our community to plan new schools accordingly.  This is my highest priority because we are running out of classroom and facility space. There are several other pressing issues for our Navarro District.  Safety of our students and staff needs to constantly be addressed.  I am part of the Safety and Security Committee where we are assessing and making recommendations to help protect our students and staff.  Another high priority is teacher morale and retention.  I feel that providing support to our teachers and staff is important. Listening to our teachers needs and then implementing those needs must continue to occur.  As a board member, I will continue to close the salary gap to compete with our neighboring schools.  As always, academic achievement is a high priority, and I will continue to provide resources for our district to succeed.
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
As a former educator, I feel I have a unique perspective as a School Board Trustee. I understand the daily issues that teachers face with implementing curriculum and keeping up with technology needs.  I respect the time requirements and dedication of teachers. My experience also includes being a current Navarro ISD Trustee.  I have attended multiple training conferences and legislature updates. Working within the team of eight, I am able to help bring multiple ideas and programs to our district. I was part of the board that adopted the District of Innovation Plan.  This has allowed the district to tailor educational programs to fit our community and has allowed us to expand CTE programs. My experience includes working with the district financial advisors to rebalance previous bonds and loans which has helped save our district over 5 million dollars in the last 10 years. In return, the board has been able to use those funds to improve safety in all campus, update technology and purchase advanced curriculums.  I am experienced with helping set the yearly tax rate and being financially responsible to our taxpayers and community.  During my time on the board, the district fund balance has grown which has allowed us to improve facilities and hire more teachers.  I was part of two successful bond elections and the building of a new intermediate school and current construction of the new high school. I am a member of the planning and facility committee and understand the future growth our district will experience.

HANK L. DIETERT, incumbent
Tell us why you’re running?
Simply, to assist and direct with the policy making procedures which makes Navarro ISD the standard of excellence and to be a good steward overseeing taxpayer funds while meeting the educational needs and goals of the school district. I feel that I am part of a team of 8 that is striving for excellence and have a great relationship with those in the community and on the board, so I want to continue and finish those challenges with the school board as a strong and unified team.
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
Growth in the student population is going to be the biggest challenge for our district in the coming years.   
Growth presents several issues or concerns like the budget, property tax revenue, educational materials and equipment, staffing, compensation, safety, security, transportation of students, technical infrastructure and facilities that foster the educational needs of our students. The Navarro ISD Board of Trustees have been doing a good job addressing the growth by doing demographic studies, community meetings, bonds and surveys that assist the district in understanding its needs for future growth and I want to continue assisting in the planning for the district’s growth while maintaining the core values that make Navarro ISD great.
When it comes to the morale of the staff as a challenge, creating a cultural environment that is conducive to the overall effectiveness of the district’s staff in their ability to educate the students of the district is another high priority of mine. Increased compensation is not the only answer to reaching this goal but getting the right personnel and administrators that are competent, well trained and organized to create an atmosphere of corroboration and team spirit to accomplish the educational goals as set out by the school board through the superintendent.
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
Experience and the ability to evolve to the rapidly changing area of public education.  I have spent numerous hours of board training through the Texas Association of School Boards in subjects related to public education.  Public education is becoming more technically advanced than ever.  Furthermore, since I was trained to be a teacher before I became a lawyer, I believe I have a good handle on what a teacher needs in order to do their job efficiently. 
Some of Navarro ISD accomplishments while I have been on the board include, but not limited to being the first district in the area to initiate a one-to-one ratio with Chromebooks for every student in high school, awarded the 2016 Region 13 Honor Board by the Texas Association of School Administrators, passing bonds in 2015 and 2021, and having Navarro Elementary named a National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education.  I believe these accomplishments as a school board member show my ability to be a team player and the interpersonal skills to work with others sets me apart from others.  Thus, when our community seeks to express their opinions, I will listen, and I will make an informed and impartial decision to do what is best for the entire district. GO PANTHERS!!!
Tell us why you’re running?
Hello voters of Navarro I.S.D.  My name is Tank Malinovsky, and I would appreciate your consideration for the Board of Trustees at Navarro I.S.D.  I am originally from Shiner, Texas.  My family and I moved to the district a little over 5 years ago.  We are homeowners and currently have 3 kids attending Navarro I.S.D…a Senior, a Sophomore, and a 6th grader.  We definitely have an interest in the future of our district.
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
There are many challenges to address if elected.  The health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff would be 1st and foremost.  I would like to see security measures on all campuses improved in every way possible, both inside and out.   
 I would make sure all parents are made aware of any and all upgrades immediately and repeatedly to reassure them when tragedies occur in other districts.
Addressing the mental health of our students, teachers, and staff is another challenge.  The pandemic and other issues have raised the level of anxiety and depression nationwide, and I don’t think our district is immune to this serious issue.  This is a topic that most people don’t like to talk about or address, but it needs to be a high priority.  Any steps we can take, within the law, to be more proactive in helping anyone and everyone affected should be at the top of our list.  Some districts have even implemented a 4-day school week, which I’m not completely opposed to, to help with the mental health issue…and high rates of (teacher) turnover and/or burnout.

Another challenge would be to improve our district in every other facet or category.  There is a tradition of excellence at Navarro I.S.D. on and off of the field.  That being said, I know there is still room for improvement everywhere.  We need to avoid being complacent or satisfied with our current results or standing.  I am an extremely competitive person, and I know we can improve on our results in academics, athletics, and all other extracurricular activities.  Regularly competing for the Lone Star Cup, which rewards points for all of this, should be a goal.  We have a great group of teachers, coaches, and administrators here, and they should be recognized and rewarded when they are performing at a high level.  At the same time, I think it’s very important to hold everyone accountable.  As a parent, I see a direct correlation between my kids having great teachers and their test scores.  When their teachers are “not so great,” their test scores reflect that.  There has to be accountability at every level.  If someone is not doing their job at an acceptable level, then it has to be addressed immediately.  2 or 3 employees per campus can be the difference in our district improving to peak(top 5-10%) levels.
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
I respect everyone’s opinion and point of view on every matter.  I also think it’s very important to have differing viewpoints on most matters.  I would represent and work for each and every parent and taxpayer, and my vote on agenda items would reflect that.  Every single taxpayer, parent, or business in this district matters.  Whether you have been here for days or decades, your voice will be heard.  I am a relatively newcomer to the district, so I have no “ties or loyalties” to anyone or any group.  My loyalty will be to the district and upholding the laws, policies, and standards set forth.  Currently, there is a double-standard issue at this district that needs to come to an end, and I have no problem with that.  I am a proactive, not reactive, problem-solver.  I would push for more transparency to taxpayers and better communication between the district, city, and county.  Taxpayers and parents deserve to be informed of all news affecting the district in a much more timely manner…good or bad.  Bond/school construction news or issues will be communicated regularly.  Fiscal responsibility is very important to me.  Your money deserves to be spent wisely, and I will make sure that happens.  Your kids/students deserve the absolute best opportunities to succeed in life, and I will make sure that happens as well.  You have 4 votes to cast on Election Day.  You can allocate them in any manner you see fit.  I would be humbled by at least 1 of them.  Thanks for your time!
Tell us why you’re running?
For over 20 years the Navarro community has been my family. I attended Navarro from 6th grade through graduation. After serving in the military, I returned to the Navarro area so that my children could attend the same amazing school I met my beautiful wife Raven at. While Navarro has made great strides in advancing the programs we offer to our students, there is still more we can do. Adding sports like soccer, and CTE programs based around trades and technology, we can prepare our children to step into the world more prepared for the next step. I also want attention turned to our elementary school. With all the growth our school has experienced, our youngest students are missing programs. With support to the staff and upgrades to our facilities we can build a solid foundation for the future of these students. Lastly is bridging the gap between the district and the community. The district needs to know from the parents what they want to see in their children’s education, and the parents need to know how the district is going about it.  
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
Growth and expansion are the two biggest issues facing our district right now. While both are great for our schools they need to be handled properly. Growth is coming to our district, that can be seen with all the construction happening in our area. The next Board will have to control and plan for this growth as much as possible. With the City of Seguin putting in unfair, tax free apartments the next board will have to figure out how to pay for this without crushing our community under higher taxes. Also they will need to look towards expansion. We are not a large school, but growth is here. The construction phase of the new high school, the need for a new elementary, and the expansion of Link Rd will all fall on the next board. Working with the County and the City will get our students the school they deserve.
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
While the other candidate has both my respect and admiration, I believe I am right for the position. I have the leadership skills from the military, The passion of a parent, and the tradition of a Navarro Alumni. I am not an educator or trained in school administration like other candidates. I also have not been serving on the board gaining the experience of others. I am a regular person, with a regular education, looking to represent regular people. I know what it’s like to worry if your child is learning enough. I know what it’s like to have a son sad that the program he wanted to learn isn’t offered. I also know my parents cannot afford to have taxes raised to pay for facilities we already have and don’t need rebuilt. The people of this community deserve a regular person looking out for them in the future years. I am the regular person.
Tell us why you’re running?
As Navarro continues to grow and public education faces many challenges, I feel as an educator with 18 years of experience I can bring a perspective to the board from someone who has been on the inside, knows what has worked and hasn’t worked, knows the needs of teachers and staff, and can add some valuable insight that can help to move the district forward as we grow.  I also have helped plan and design a new Career & Technical Education center in a previous school district and these are valuable skills needed as the district is building a new high school.  My degree is in Hotel and Restaurant Management from the University of Houston, and I have also helped create, open, and manage restaurants across the country and am well versed in financials while taking care of people who make the operation run.  
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
The biggest challenge facing the NISD is the rapid growth in the district.  It’s amazing that we have a reputation of excellence and great traditions but with this comes where are we going to have room for all the students.   Most schools are currently at or over capacity and the new high school cannot come too soon.  The new high school will help in the short term and the plans for a new elementary will be a great addition, but we must find creative ways to manage the growth while we are waiting on the new buildings.  With the growth and new schools, we will need to find ways to keep and attract excellent teachers, staff, and administrators who will uphold the high standards that are firmly established here.  Making sure our pay is equitable to neighboring districts and ensuring our teachers and staff have a voice in the decision making is critical to retention and job satisfaction
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
There are many great candidates running for the school board and I am honored to have the opportunity to possibly help lead this great district.  In my 18 years of education, primarily in 5A & 6A schools, I have seen districts that lead from the top and push everything down to the staff and in turn, there is no support from those who have to uphold these guidelines.  I have also worked in districts where teachers and the community have a voice at the table, the board listens to the people they hired and trust, and the staff and community feel respected and a part of the team.  This is how I like to manage, by giving those who are impacted a voice and then make decisions based on what is best for the district, the staff, and ultimately the students.  Besides being a teacher, I have managed and opened successful restaurants and have a good grasp of how to be fiscally responsible while still making sure the needs of the employees are met.  I thank you for your support and I hope that you will consider me on November 8th.
Tell us why you’re running?
 My decision to run for the Navarro ISD School Board is based on my love of the community and the desire to support the future of the school district.  My oldest daughter graduated from Navarro High School in 2021 and my three other children currently attend Navarro ISD Schools. With the rapid growth in the area, the small bedroom community of Navarro ISD is quickly shifting. The district has experienced a lot of change in the last three years, as a former employee of the district and a parent, I seek to utilize my knowledge of schools and experience in education to help support the future of the district. The reach of a School Board is limited in scope, yet the potential to provide guidance to the Superintendent and oversight of the district finances is needed to develop and maintain a strong school system. Navarro has had the unique quality of being a small, rural system for many years. As the growth continues, the district must be future focused because maintaining the status quo is never possible. Organizations must prepare for the future with the intent of maintaining those processes and procedures that made the organization great. The vision is not to lose the identity of Navarro ISD, but to utilize the best parts of the organization and propel those ideals forward as we adapt to the progression of future changes and growth for the community.  
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
One of the biggest challenges facing the Navarro ISD School Board Trustees will be in managing the budgetary processes based on the 2021 Bond and the existing funds provided based on the Foundational School Program from the state. Funding is needed to support the growth of the district. This funding comes from the tax revenue and in some cases the voters when bond elections come into play.  The School Board does not set the budget, nor are the they responsible for the administration of the funds across the district.  The management of the district lies with the Superintendent. However, the Schoo Board does manage the Superintendent and does approve the budget for the financing of the district. There are many facets to supporting a growing district and funding. With growth comes the need for staff members, pay increases, facilities, resources, services, and student supports, aside from existing expenses due to maintenance and operations. However, this issue is much greater than just the basic concept of school finance based on the tax revenue of the Navarro ISD. This issue extends to the newly passed 2021 Bond proposing the completion of a new high school and elementary campus. The costs of construction are far greater than at the time of the passing of the bond. The design of the project had not yet been started at the time of the bond providing only concepts. Costs for new construction are approximately 26% greater than a year ago.  This does not figure into the costs of the infrastructure needed to support the construction of the facilities. Additionally, Navarro ISD needs more than bedrooms and rooftops to manage the cost of the growing population.  Industry and businesses are needed within the boundaries to support the costs of maintaining a financially sound district. 
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
I believe my understanding of the role of the School Board from the perspective of a Superintendent is what differentiates me from other candidates. I have worked in K12 educational administration as well as corporate administration. I hold a Superintendent certification and am well versed in the interworking of School Board Members and School District employees. I understand the role of the School Board Member to represent the community, the community needs, the growth needs of the district and the supports that Superintendents need in order to create great systems. I also have strong knowledge of Navarro ISD in general. Not only have I been a community member for some time, but I have also worked in the development of programming within the district and am familiar with the culture of the organization. I have the unique perspective of being able to view the district from three different viewpoints, as a parent, as an employee, and as a community member. 
Tell us why you’re running?
Navarro ISD is a wonderful district as well as a great community to be a part of.  Our district has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years and will continue to do so many years to come.  We are close to breaking ground on a brand-new High School as well.  Our students, teachers and faculty are currently and must remain the most important factors when making decisions for our district.  We must keep safety in the schools a top priority as the world we live in changes all the time.  With the growth we have now and the growth to come in the future, we need to make sure that our kids of the district and the teachers that educate them are afforded all the tools and opportunities to continue to be a premier school district.  We need to look at things like teacher to student ratios, addition of new programs, as well as any and all extracurricular opportunities.  We need to plan for the district’s future; ten, fifteen and even twenty years down the road, to assure the very best in education in the district where teachers want to be long term.  Our kids are the priority, and if we want to make a difference you have to get involved.
What are the biggest challenges facing the winner of this seat, and how are you prepared to address those challenges?
Without sounding rhetorical, the biggest challenge we face as a district as well as a community is the urban growth.  As stated before, it is something we must plan for many years into the future.  The Lily Springs project, if it happens, can be a very big challenge in itself.  That is a development we need to keep tabs on as a district.  Safety in our schools needs to continue to be on the forefront of everyone’s mind.  The world we live in changes every day and we should be prepared for it.  We should be open minded when it comes to safety, in terms of safety devices, and staff safety trainings with scenario type situations.  With the growing population, it means more students and more vehicles.  We should take a look at the ingress and egress of traffic as drop-off and pick-up become more challenging every year. Navarro ISD is not the only district experiencing some of these challenges.  Many districts in Texas are experiencing the same things, and we can learn from each other.  As leadership of our district we will work together to be ready and able to face any challenge that comes our way.
What do you believe makes you the best candidate for the job? In other words, what do you believe sets you apart from your opponents?
I am a great Navarro ISD school board candidate because I have been part of this community my entire life. I have twenty-two plus years of professional business and philanthropic leadership experience. I prioritize the students and faculty of the district first and foremost. Safety, academic excellence, teacher retention, district moral and Panther pride are top of mind. I am open minded, fair, trustworthy, foster teamwork and above all I will keep the best interest of the district, students, faculty and parents in the forefront of all decisions made.
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