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Digital Transformation, a Process of Transformation – Digitalization in Tannery Business – Leather International

 Everton Jacobsen, Head of Digitalization at Hüni Group/Sales Manager
 Everton Jacobsen, Head of Digitalization at Hüni Group/Sales Manager
The major challenge is selecting the right technologies and solutions that would bring the most benefits at low risk. Hüni assists their customers in AGILE methodology, seeking quick wins from day 1 to encourage the high-level management until the highest operation level believes in the transformation process. It is a correct approach to inspire growth in company culture. By splitting the project into smaller elements, and delivering solid results with reduced efforts, we add value to the operation.
This transformation process consists of tools and resources such as ERP solutions, Data-Driven Culture, Data Analytics, Business Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Leather and Chemical Traceability, RFID, Digitalization of process, Machine connection, IoT, and Big data. Hüni experts are involved in evaluating the process to define the opportunities for innovation.

All data stored on paper is hard to track and evaluate to create insights, which is the reason behind the importance of the data in a digital form. Connection to machines increases control without increasing demand for more workers. These are all examples of how to speed up the process and improve performance.
The project scope is tailor-made for the customer to fit value perception, market strategy, and daily challenges in the tannery. Understanding where the company stands and which goals it wants to achieve, everything needs to be assessed to create value for the company and implement high-impact cases.
Engagement of all stakeholders on the commitment to the project, increasing productivity for the operation level, and supporting decision-makers to take the decisions based on data. The goal is to find several small improvements which will lead to greater transformations.


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