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By: on August 25, 2022 Leave a Comment
Once again, we are seeing an uptick in the use of the term NoOps. I always felt that NoOps was a misleading and, in fact, empty phrase. I don’t care what magic you think you have; you are never going to eliminate the need to operate your software, applications and infrastructure.
I first heard the term NoOps early in the maturation curve of DevOps. Back then, the idea seemed to be that Dev was going to absorb Ops. Between that and the cloud, there really wasn’t a role for traditional Ops to deploy. Managing apps would be easy with the cloud and automation. At least, that was the pie-in-the-sky thinking—but I never bought that.
There were other terms that popped up, like NewOps and AIOps, though that became something else entirely. But really, I think the rise of the systems reliability engineer (SRE) role put the NoOps movement in its grave (where it probably belonged). SRE became the shiny new identity of the Ops crowd and SRE continues to be one of the most popular topics here on
This latest incarnation of NoOps seems to be a little different. From what I have seen, it is not really NoOps; instead, it is more of a “not your Ops to worry about” movement. It is shifting who is responsible for Ops from the company developing and using the apps to a service provider (or SaaS provider) who is responsible for Ops. It is more a “MyOps” not “YourOps” movement, but there is still most certainly an Ops there.
In my neighborhood growing up, we used to have a saying, “I don’t care what you call me, just don’t call me late for dinner.” Originally, to me, NoOps was very much like that. We changed the name of something, but it didn’t go away or fundamentally change the thing itself.
Now, we still have Ops, it is just a question of who is doing it. That is not NoOps to me. It is “somebody is doing MyOps for me.”
We saw a similar pattern in security. The idea of outsourcing security was never called “NoSec,” because the idea of no security is, frankly, downright scary. Instead, it just meant relying on a cloud vendor or an MSSP to handle your security for you; it was outsourcing your security. An important lesson learned from that was that you can outsource your security ops, but you can’t escape your security responsibility. That is to say, when your customers’ information is breached, saying “We had someone doing this for us!” did not absolve you of responsibility.
The same thing holds true for this new “OutsourceOps.” The outsourcer may do a better job than you at Ops. They may give you SLAs and SLOs that give you reasonable expectations of performance and remedies if those SLAs and SLOs are not met. But it is still your company’s name and reputation on the line.
So is what we seeing as NoOps really NoOps? No, it is Outsourced Ops. But as we said in the old neighborhood, I don’t care what you call it, just don’t call it late for dinner.
Filed Under: AI, Blogs, DevOps Practice, Features, NoOps
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