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School farm redevelopment unveiled – Premier of Tasmania

Students and staff at the Jordan River Learning Federation Senior School now have access to a new state-of-the-art school farm at Brighton following a redevelopment of the site. 

Delivering on our commitment, the Tasmanian Liberal Government invested $4.3 million to redevelop the school farm, delivering a centre of excellence and regional hub for agricultural learning. The centre will support and encourage more young people to take up studies in agriculture and landcare as a pathway to a career in the primary industries.

The redevelopment has delivered a new education building containing a demonstration kitchen, a butchery area, a soft science lab, a flexible learning and demonstration space, as well as an upgraded site entrance, machinery and equipment storage shed, new stock fencing and irrigation system.

The school farm is an important agricultural learning hub for students in the southern region, with a strong focus on the ‘paddock to plate’ concept, and will now be able to offer greater opportunities for learners in the Brighton region and surrounds. 

The farm delivers high-quality education and aligns with the Tasmanian Agricultural Education Framework for students in high schools, as well as learning experiences for local primary schools.

We know that school farms have proven a successful model in other locations in Australia which is why our Government has invested heavily in new infrastructure to support agricultural learning, in recognition of the importance of supporting our learners and providing pathways into one of Tasmania’s most critical industries.

I look forward to seeing our learners using these high-quality new facilities to get hands-on experience and develop their skills and knowledge of contemporary farming practices.

The completion of this project follows a $3 million upgrade of the Sheffield School Farm which was also recently completed, delivering a new commercial dairy, shed and extensive irrigation system.
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