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This 'Uber' Of Staffing App Could Revolutionize The Hospitality Industry – Forbes Now

Ron McCulloch and Tim Chatfield in New York City; co-founders of Jitjatjo, the new hospitality… [+] staffing app.
Jitjatjo is a new app specifically designed to solve temporary hospitality staffing problems. Catering companies, event planners and restaurateurs can use Jitjatjo (which sounds like tic tac toe) to ease their “supply and demand” challenges of staffing. In one week managers might need to hire staff to accommodate an intimate black-tie dinner party for 30 diners, a 3,000-person corporate event and a promotional cocktail hour for 300 people. Finding talented workers during busy periods, retaining them during slow periods, is both stressful and time consuming.
“How can I get part-timers that come in and give me the available supply to satisfy the demand?” asks Ron McCulloch rhetorically in his strong Scottish accent. Jitjatjo’s co-founder and Executive Chairman, 64-year-old McCulloch sits in his Manhattan office that overlooks Soho, explaining that his 25+ years in the hospitality industry, including the colossal Home Nightclub in Sydney where he lived for 17 years, taught him the elastic nature of hospitality staffing.
“So rather than just taking someone off the street and say, ‘Come and work for me for one night,’” says McCulloch, demonstrating the level of desperation some managers feel when looking for hospitality staff, especially last-minute; instead he suggests, managers turn to the more efficient and targeted Jitjatjo app, which launched 11 months ago.
McCulloch, along with co-founder and CEO Tim Chatfield, play down the comparison, Jitjatjo is arguably the Uber of temporary hospitality staffing. If a catering company suddenly needs five extra servers and a bartender for an event in two hours, they input the specifics of the job through the Jitjatjo app and its algorithm books the most qualified workers available within minutes.
For better or worse, servers and clients don’t choose each other, Jitjatjo’s algorithm makes the match. “People in hospitality have so many things to do,” says McCulloch, “they want simple solutions.”
After an intense seven months of travel and research, McCulloch and Chatfield, 20 years his junior, moved to New York City in the middle of 2016. They’d previously worked together for ten years at a video-sharing company, now called Viostream. McCulloch founded it in 2002, previously called Viocorp, and ran it simultaneously to his various hospitality businesses.
Their initial two-man operation in a WeWork space has grown into a buzzing 21-employee team that’s taken over a suite of adjacent offices. According to McCulloch, Jitjatjo now has a network of 10,000+ vetted workers and several thousand clients. Clients range from restaurants and catering companies to Microsoft, Burberry and Boston Consulting; Jitjatjo also provides temporary staff for corporate events, as brand ambassadors or similar promotional positions.
Perhaps it can be attributed to cultural differences, as McCulloch is Scottish by way of Australia and Chatfield is Australian by way of Singapore, or simply a matter of disposition, but both McCulloch and Chatfield are outgoing, affable if not downright jolly, which permeates all aspects of the company.
Jitjatjo differentiates itself from other temporary staffing agencies, not only because of its sophisticated technology, but also its treatment of in-house staff and temporary workers. They are offered free professional development events,  from  basic service training to a recent panel discussion called “How to Succeed In Hospitality” with industry specialists.
The event took place in their WeWork’s common area amid scattered balloons and blasting music. During the party portion of the evening, current and potential Jitjatjo workers mingled, sipping free drinks. Platters of Tuscan kale salad, an assortment of cheeses, roast chicken and sweet potato noodles among other City Bakery delights were provided by Jitjatjo.
The “How to Succeed in Hospitality” panel discussion, produced by Jitjatjo for its talent.
Thomas Russo from Del Posto, a high-end Mario Batali restaurant, was a panelists and a Jitjatjo client. Prior to taking the stage he chatted with the crowd; he’d initially found Jitjatjo through his Instagram feed. What prompted him to try the app? “They are using science!” he exclaimed, meaning its algorithm. What finally sold him was that Jitjatjo takes care of the payroll tax. “Nobody else is doing that,” Russo added. He’s been extremely pleased with all of Jitjatjo’s service people, but found two porters of a five-porter team he’d used to be a little lazy. Since workers and clients both anonymously rate each other after each job, which feeds the algorithm, if Russo or any client rates a worker poorly, they’ll never be matched again.
“I respect this company,” said a young voice over artist Amanda Berry of Jitjatjo, prior to the panel discussion, supplements her income by catering, “they’re a lot nicer.” Berry found Jitjatjo to be fair and transparent.
Unlike Uber, Jitjatjo uses a fixed, three-tier pricing platform to pay “solid,” “outstanding” or “epic” workers. For example, a “solid” bartender who covers the basics is paid $15 an hour, while an “epic,” full-service bartender who might specialize in unique cocktails garnished with a flourish of herbs is paid $50 an hour. Jitjatjo clearly states it charges the client a 15% service fee, 7% transaction fee and payroll tax is 18%, so there are no nasty surprises when workers get paid, enabled through the app after each job.
Berry described working for another catering company as “a terrible experience” because besides bad pay and incommunicative managers, they kept on sending her jobs when she told them she wasn’t available. Jitjatjo’s algorithm operates in real time, which incorporates workers’ availability the moment they enter it into the system. Berry brought an older male friend to the event. He had initially been suspicious of Jitjatjo because its website doesn’t provide a phone number or street address, but after partaking in the festivities and seeing Jitjatjo is indeed a real company, he decided he’d give Jitjatjo a try.
Prior to the panel discussion, Chatfield gave out several awards of appreciation to dedicated workers, who he called “change agents,” like one woman who recently took a job in the Hamptons last minute. While some temporary hospitality workers might want to just punch the clock and make their hourly rate without the extra-circulars, these Jitjatjo workers appeared to be enjoying themselves.
Moderator Nicole Biscardi of AllDay Industry kicked off the panel discussion, asking the four panelists questions about the industry in relation to the new gig economy and the hospitality sector’s slow embrace of technology.
When the “learning from mistakes” question was asked, Russo recalled his most embarrassing professional moment when he was just starting out at Del Posto. Russo had the job of following his boss, Mario Batali, to the football player Peyton Manning’s table to grate cheese. In his nervousness, a huge chunk of Parmesan fell onto Manning’s plate; Manning told him quietly, “Don’t worry, Mario didn’t see it.”
Jitjatjo ‘s Tim Chatfield and Ron McCulloch with Nicole Allen of CxRA/Restaurant Assoc., one of the… [+] speakers at a panel discussion covering the hospitality industry.
Another panelist Gunna Zimmerman of Starr Catering Group quipped that there ought be a law that no one is allowed to dine at a restaurant until they’ve worked at least one restaurant shift in their lifetime, the Jitjatjo audience laughed and nodded. Other panelists included Dig Inn‘s Stephen Yen and Nicole Allen of CxRA/Restaurant Associates. The evening ended with more drinks, food and industry chitchat.
McCulloch and Chatfield specifically chose to launch Jitjatjo in New York City despite not having any initial connections. “Supply and demand coexist virtually on top of each other,” says McCulloch. “In order to build something that was globally scalable at speed,” adds Chatfield, “it was easier to push outwards from the U.S., rather than build something outside the U.S. and bring it in.”
Chatfield’s belief in Jitjatjo is so strong, he moved to New York City with a toddler and very pregnant wife, who ended up giving birth—unplanned—in their apartment, just weeks before launching the app. Chatfield who can now laugh about it, as all ended well, recalls when they finally did make it to the hospital, the staff asked if he’d properly scrubbed as he helped deliver the baby. “Properly scrubbed?” recalls Chatfield exasperated, “I was trying to make sure the baby didn’t land on its head!”
Jijatjo will remain in New York City and expand elsewhere in the U.S., but McCulloch and Chatfield aren’t disclosing which cities just yet. McCulloch notes they have global aspirations. When the original idea was first hashed out two years ago in Australia, Jitjatjo’s trajectory was not limited to only being a hospitality app in New York City. Instead, Jitjatjo will be a marketplace platform people use across sectors and locations. McCulloch and Chatfield expect to start the process of expansion in the spring of next year.


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