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Transforming Education Summit (Leaders Day) – Spotlight session 4: Digital transformation of education – UN Web TV

19 September 2022
The Leaders Day at the Transforming Education Summit (16, 17 & 19 September 2022) will be dedicated to the presentation of National Statements of Commitment by Heads of State and Government in the form of Leaders Roundtables. A limited number of thematic sessions will also be held to place a focus on cross-cutting priorities for transforming education. Leaders Day will also feature the presentation of the Summit Youth Declaration and the Secretary-General’s Vision Statement for Transforming Education.
Bolder action and investments are needed to harness the power of digital technology to advance national and international aspirations for education and lifelong learning. We must seize the power of digital revolution to ensure education is provided as a public good and a human right.
Such action will help catalyze beneficial transformations to various aspects of education, including pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and the organization of learning, both in and outside of formal educational institutions. In parallel, we must galvanize efforts to achieve universal and meaningful connectivity for learning, to ensure productive, affordable and safe online experience.
The Spotlight Session 4 is an opportunity to mobilize strong political commitment and leadership for action to ensure that every learner can find a public space for public education on the internet. The session will call upon the Head of States to endorse a Call to Action and commit to advance work in three specific areas of implementation — content, capacity and connectivity — to make digital teaching and learning a universally accessible and reliable pillar of holistic educational experiences. The session will also launch the Gateways to Public Digital Learning to support an international movement to ensure that every learner, teacher, and family can easily access, find, and use high-quality and curriculum-aligned digital education
content to advance their learning. 
The Spotlight Session 4 is co-hosted by: UNESCO, UNICEF and ITU
The Transforming Education Summit is being convened in response to a global crisis in education – one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance. Often slow and unseen, this crisis is having a devastating impact on the futures of children and youth worldwide. The Summit provides a unique opportunity to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover pandemic-related learning losses and sow the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world.
Transforming Education Summit website
Spotlight session 4 – Concept note and programme


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