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Virtual event kicks off Digital Agents of Change campaign – Air Force Link

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The Department of the Air Force Digital Transformation Office has launched a new initiative to recognize individuals across the enterprise who are driving change in the digital domain.

A virtual kick-off event on Sept. 8 introduced more than 175 digital ‘doers’ from across the Air and Space Force to the Digital Agents of Change campaign. The goal of the program is to continue to motivate the grassroots digital transformation efforts by highlighting both successes as well as instances where individuals have failed forward, bringing new insights with the potential to drive transformational change.

“Through enhanced fundamentals and by seeking out digital-first strategies, we can generate seamless collaboration and a digitally-empowered Air and Space Force,” said Kyle Hurst, Department of the Air Force Digital Transformation Office chief, to kick off the virtual event. “We are working to change the paradigm so we can acquisition better and faster. You all know somebody who has done something to move the needle in this area; our goal is to get visibility and recognition for these individuals and what they are doing to drive change.”

According to the DTO team, efforts to drive digital transformation are often met with barriers in terms of culture, bureaucracy, funding, training, and more; this campaign seeks to recognize individuals who have rallied against the “enemies of progress” to further change.

“There are digital champions among us who are succeeding against the opposition. These enemies of progress are not necessarily the bad guys, but they are those individuals who are clinging to the status quo or have built silos that resist integration. This includes bureaucratic processes as well as information technology obstacles that halt innovation and advancement,” said Vincent Pecoraro, DAF DTO lead program manager.

The journey and challenges faced by the A-10 team in converting two-dimensional data to 3-D models was shared during the event as an example of a digital transformation success. This was a paradigm shift for suppliers as well as internal Air Force program offices and engineering teams who were not trained to work with the new 3-D models for aircraft sustainment. These digital transformations drove changes to training, resources, personnel, and funding; however, the changes have proven successful, with use-case valid in other areas.

“The A-10 effort is just one example of a digital success. We have digital doers across the Air and Space Force. With this campaign, we want to help them bring ideas to scale,” Pecoraro said.

To learn more about the Digital Agents of Change campaign, and to find out how to nominate a “digital doer” for recognition, visit The program is open to all Air and Space Force professionals who are driving digital transformation.

Click here to view the event recording.
The Department of the Air Force Digital Transformation Office has launched a new initiative to recognize individuals across the enterprise who are driving change in the digital domain. The Digital Agents of Change campaign aims to motivate grassroots digital transformation efforts that drive transformational change. (Courtesy graphic)


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