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We must act now to save our public schools | Rocky Hanna – Tallahassee Democrat

For well over a century, the public-school system in Florida has successfully prepared millions of students for post-secondary education, entry level jobs, military careers, professional careers, and adulthood. This great institution is a cornerstone for our democracy and the doorway of opportunity for every child and family. However, I have grown more-and-more concerned for the future of our public schools as a war is being waged against it on two fronts.
On the first front, public school dollars are being syphoned away and used to expand wealth and power for select individuals and private interests.
Over the past three years alone, legislation has been passed expanding private school vouchers across the state at an alarming rate. Data released recently by the Florida Department of Education confirms that the voucher program has now enrolled over 165,000 students who attend private schools throughout the State of Florida costing taxpayers $1.5 billion.
In Leon County alone, that equates to approximately 2,000 students at a cost of over $16 million. Florida’s voucher program is now the fifth largest school district in the entire state.
On a second front, some elected leaders are waging a negative propaganda war against our public-school system that is simply untrue.  
The governor is leading the charge by using his political platform to create a divisive, confrontational, and false narrative about the actual happenings in our schools at the expense of school board members, school administrators, and worst of all, our teachers.
This is being done to drive students and families away by casting doubt, creating fear, and placing a wedge between parents and our public schools based upon a false rhetoric.
Time and time again, the governor has gone on record with unsubstantiated stories about what schools are promoting and what teachers are teaching in classrooms that has not been backed up with any supporting evidence.
Make no mistake about it, the aspersions directed at public schools is accelerating the rate by which the state education system becomes completely privatized. Over a billion dollars, which otherwise would go to public schools, are now being siphoned off to private schools, to do whatever they want with zero accountability for student achievement, teacher and administrator certification requirements, or school grades.
Let’s be clear, this is not just about money — it is about the sanctity of an institution that has benefited our society beyond measure. It is about the opportunity for every child to attain a free public education.
John F. Kennedy once said, “the future promise of any nation can be directly measured by the present prospects of its youth.” When we create two separate school systems, one for the privileged and one for everyone else, we marginalize even more students with disabilities and those who live in poverty.
At this pivotal moment in Florida’s education system, what can we do? The way I see it, we have two choices. One, we stay silent and allow the privatization of the public-school system to continue so the wealthy become wealthier, our schools become more segregated, and the ideals that the public-school system represents is completely denigrated; Or we come together, push back, and speak up against the dismantling of the public-school system.
I am a product of Leon County Schools, have worked in our school system for 35 years, and now proudly serve as superintendent­­­­. I will not stand by and watch something I deeply care for be torn apart by those who are just hungry for power and political gain.
Please join me by voting for individuals who support our public schools and by contacting our current elected officials in state government and letting them know that you also stand for the sanctity of our public-school system and all it has done over the last three centuries to educate, uplift, and support all our children, giving them an equal opportunity for a successful future.
Rocky Hanna is superintendent of Leon County Schools.
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