In Numbers
248,474 people assisted in August 2022
US$ 3.3 cash-based transfers made
US$ 42 m six months (September-February 2022) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
• In August, WFP provided cash and food assistance to 180,949 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 67,525 refugees.
• Under its resilience building portfolio, WFP continues to work with government and non-governmental partners as well as the private sector to design and implement the next round of resilience and livelihood activities in the most vulnerable areas. Special focus is on youth empowerment, supporting smallholder farmers, climate change adaptation and policy-level reforms. In addition to that, WFP is also launching the second round of its vocational skills training and will rehabilitate the vocational training centres, working with the financing institutions, and providing in-kind support.
• Progress is ongoing on WFP’s EMPACT (Empowerment in Action) projects. To date, WFP has partnered with public universities and business incubators to provide around 1,600 unemployed youth with the skills and business knowledge to help them advance in the workforce.
• Under the National School Feeding Programme, WFP held coordination meetings with Ministry of Education (MOE) as part of preparations for the academic year 2022/2023. From 13-19 August 2022, WFP along with a delegation of Higher Committee of School Feeding at MOE visited Armenia to exchange expertise and lessons between the two counterparts.
• in an effort to maximize the assistance with the current resourcing level, WFP is implementing a targeting exercise to ensure delivery of life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people that are unable to provide for themselves and their families.
The data gathering process is concluded and verification is in process with an expected launch date of the updated figures in mid-September.
• WFP will establish a Project Management Unit at Public Distribution System (PDS) headquarters to support the project implementation with Ministry of Trade. This will improve the enrollment process to the PDS and ensure streamlined activity delivery.
• In August, WFP MENA Regional Director, Ms. Corinne Fleischer visited Iraq and met with a number of senior officials, including the President of Iraq, in addition to members of the donor community. Ms. Fleischer’s visit highlighted WFP’s commitment to helping the country and focus on the devastating impact of climate change on Iraq and its people and called for urgent action to mitigate these effects; a message echoed by his excellency, Mr. Barham Salih, the President of Iraq.
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