The big spicy grand panini of 2020 was undeniably awful, and it continues to remain quite sucky. But one silver lining to the whole crapshow: it brought forward some inevitable conversations around how we operate as a society.
Things like remote work untethered to an office, or the stepping up of delivery as an option for basically any commodity – all came as a result of adapting to the new normal. Flexibility is the word for the 2020s. Now is the time for new ideas, flexible ideas free from archaic ways of thinking.
Enter Flex by Jitjatjo, the new ‘Tinder for hospitality’ app that’s landed in Sydney straight from the streets of The Big Apple, baby. They say if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere – and Jitjatjo has been operating in New York City since 2016.
So what the heck is it? Well, to put it simply, it’s a platform that gives hospo workers access to casual gigs, instant pay, all through the use of an easy-to-use app called FLEX. Through the app, users can view, match and manage work with hospitality operators all across Sydney.
A post shared by Jitjatjo Australia (@jitjatjo_au)
According to Jitjatjo, FLEX is “the simplest and most sophisticated way of connecting with hospitality operators in the market, FLEX gives hospitality professionals ultimate control over where and when they work, whilst keeping operators and hospos accountable to each other through our two-way rating system.”
“Perhaps the best thing about FLEX is that for the very first time, hospitality professionals earn the right to Instant Pay, every time they bring their best to work.”
So whether you’re an industry veteran looking for some extra cash, or you’ve been out of the game for a while and you’re looking for a gentle way to ease in and try your hand at a few roles or establishments, or you’re a busy venue looking for some extra staff — Jitjatjo is an easy solution for both workers and venues. And it’s all just a swipe away.
Interested? Head on over to their site to find out more.
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