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Young African Leaders Embrace Digital Storytelling – Dartmouth News

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The project with the Jones Media Center helps the YALI fellows share stories of hope.
Many of the fellows with the Young African Leadership Initiative said a highlight of their time at Dartmouth this summer was the opportunity to share their stories through the digital storytelling project led by Susan Simon at the Jones Media Center
Some 24 Mandela Washington fellows were at Dartmouth for two weeks, hosted by the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, to make new connections and gather cross-cultural insights. All of them began the workshops right after they arrived and shared their final projects with each other and the community at the end of their stay. The YALI participants, who lead nonprofits, government agencies, health clinics, and nongovernmental organizations across Africa, will use the digital media projects to promote and support their work when they return.
In past years, the digital media project was an optional YALI offering, but it proved so popular that organizers this year integrated the workshops as a central component of the Dartmouth experience, thanks to financial and mentoring support from the Class of 1982.
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