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Zappix Adds a New Travel and Hospitality Customer for its Flagship Visual Self-Service Solution – Benzinga

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The leading Visual Self-Service Solution provider was chosen by a large Hospitality and Travel company to automate customer service and improve CX.
BURLINGTON, Mass., Aug. 3, 2022  /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — One of the largest travel & hospitality companies in the US has chosen Zappix, the leading Visual Self-Service Solution provider, to solve a significant need for automated customer service and improved visitor experience for their premier service line. The Zappix Visual IVR solution will help this customer deflect calls from agents to a self-service solution and improve customer experience, while lowering average handle time and reducing costs.
"We are excited to add another enterprise customer that works as hard to strengthen and improve digital customer experiences as much as we do," said Yossi Abraham, President & CEO at Zappix. "The combination of robotic process automation (RPA), visual and digital interfaces, and superior user-journey designs allow our customers to enjoy improved CX, while reducing their costs."
The new customer will benefit from many aspects of cutting edge Zappix Visual Self-Service Solutions including reduced customer effort and engaging visual experiences. Other benefits include:
AI-powered Visual Self-Service is transforming the CX landscape. Zappix looks to continue capitalizing on the demand for self-service automation with its portfolio impacting all three phases of the customer service process: Preventing calls before they happen, Deflecting calls waiting to speak with live agents, and Optimizing calls during agent interactions.
About Zappix

Zappix delivers AI-powered On-Demand Visual Self-Service Solutions: Visual IVR, On-Demand Apps, Proactive Engagement, Agent Assist, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The cloud-based solutions improve the customer journey during contact center interactions. The open platform enables workflow automation, rapid deployments, and seamless integration to back-end systems (CRMs, ERPs, etc.), and IVRs, and provides a comprehensive Analytics Suite.
Zappix provides significant benefits and ROI: reducing costs by increasing containment rates for contact centers, improving customer experience and Net Promoter Score (NPS), creating new revenue opportunities using targeted promotional banners and automation of revenue-generating use-cases.
To learn more about Zappix, go to
Media Contact
Johnny Rosa, Zappix, 7817392770,
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