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61% Of Nigerians Faced Phishing Scams When Using Digital Payments – Tech Build Africa

According to the Kaspersky Digital Payment survey, 61% of respondents from Nigeria faced phishing scams when using online banking or mobile wallet services. 67% have personally encountered fake websites, and a staggering 82% experienced scams (via texts or calls) using social engineering.
When asked about awareness of threats against digital payment methods, the majority of respondents from Nigeria report that they are aware of both the financial phishing attacks (95%) and online scams (97%).
78% also stated that they are informed about banking malware on PCs and on mobile. This type of malicious software steals money from users’ bank accounts.
However, 98% think that banks and payment companies should educate users more about the threats online.
When it comes to a list of security features that consumers would like to see more on existing banking apps and mobile wallets, according to the survey results, here’s what matters most to them:
“Whether we talk about the proliferation of phishing scams or mobile malware, it is important to establish some basic cybersecurity standards.
Advanced security solutions, which are able to filter out most of the generic attack vectors, supplemented with other preventive measures such as good cybersecurity awareness and regular password changes, can help to keep your financial transactions secure,” said Bethwel Opil, Enterprise Sales Manager at Kaspersky in Africa.
To help users in Nigeria embrace digital payment technologies securely, Kaspersky experts suggest the following:
For developers, banks and companies involved in providing digital payment services, Kaspersky recommends:
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