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Additional Learning Needs – Newport City Council

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Newport City Council is deeply saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
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Every child is individual and they all develop and learn at different rates.
Some children find learning easy, and some find it hard. With the right help all children develop at their own pace.
This means that within a classroom, different teaching styles will be needed, taking into account the abilities, strengths, weaknesses and interests of the children.
These different approaches to learning will help most children make progress. Some may, however, need more support.
The way in which children with additional learning needs are supported is being transformed. 
Here are some key changes within the new transformation:
Currently Statements of SEN will be gradually phased over to the new system and converted into IDPs in line with Welsh Government’s timeline.
Under the new system, planning will be flexible and responsive, our professionals will be skilled and confident in identifying needs and deploying strategies to help learners overcome their barriers to learning, and the learner will be at the centre of everything we do.
The transformed system will:
The Welsh Government has produced an overview of the new system and a YouTube video explaining the changes. Together they will give you a good idea of how the Welsh Government expect things to work. 

Newport City Council, Civic Centre, Newport, South Wales, NP20 4UR
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