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AJ Student Prize 2022: London School of Architecture – Architect's Journal

22 September 2022
The student selected for the AJ Student Prize by London School of Architecture
Location London N8 Courses MArch in Designing Architecture Head of school Neal Shasore Full-time tutors 0 Part-time tutors 26 Students 103 Staff to student ratio N/A • The school is academic partner to the University of Liverpool
Course MArch in Designing Architecture
Studio/unit brief Design Thesis/Synthesis
Project title Architecture + Emergency
Project description London has always bounced back stronger after a major moment of crisis. Now, in 2022, temperature records have been broken and, with extreme heat and dramatic weather events predicted to become more common, London must mitigate and adapt as a matter of priority. The ‘Architecture + Emergency’ service is established to instil climate resilience into the city through a two-part operation. Firstly, existing buildings are upgraded to maximise their design lives and improve energy efficiency; and second, a life-support system is created. Inspired by the ecology of a rainforest, the proposed ‘Attachment’ generates its own energy and absorbs water from a public green roof. Robust cores of limestone facilitate movement of people, goods and energy, while timber gantries distribute these into the loop of existing buildings.
Tutor citation An original approach to city building in response to climate threats, which aims to instil resilience into the fabric. It imagines London as a patient in an emergency department, with each urban block as a limb in need of urgent treatment against heatwaves and flooding. Matthew Whittaker and Luke Lupton
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