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Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Digital Services | Digital Transformation – Utah Valley University

The Academic and Student Digital Services AVP Search Committee is pleased to announce that after an extensive search, we have invited finalists to visit UVU on August 24 and 26, 2022. As part of their campus visit, we have asked each finalist to prepare a campus presentation, which will include an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Video links to each presentation will be available after the 26th on the following business day.
The campus presentation dates and times are listed below, with links to the finalists’ cover letters and resumes. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and to provide feedback to the search committee during the Q&A session following each presentation.
Please contact Emily Gledhill, at if you have any questions.
The Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Digital Services (AVP ASDS) guides the academic and student digital services group. This department will provide and support institutional technology, focused on academic and student needs, in the areas of computing, business intelligence, institutional research, application development, UI/UX design and implementation, classroom technology, and teaching and learning technologies. This position will enhance technology systems, improve UVU operations, transform academic and student services, increase the use of data to inform decision making, and improve student and faculty satisfaction and organizational culture.
Nathan Gerber is the Director of Web & Mobile Solutions at UVU where he leads innovative efforts to transform the public and internal UVU web system experiences for students, faculty, staff, and the public. He also leads the team creating the new UVU Student mobile app focusing on a student-centered experience facilitating educational success. Nathan has served as PACE Staff Association President and represented the staff voice in executive leadership councils, UVU Board of Trustees, Faculty Senate, and numerous campus committees. He continues to innovate technology solutions for student success, faculty and classroom support, and assists in creating the transformational culture needed for improved digital experiences. Nathan has a BS in Computer Science and is currently pursuing a MS in Management and Leadership.
Presentation: August 24, 2022, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Room KB 101A
Sam Gedeborg is the Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning Lab at Utah Valley University (UVU) where he directs efforts to assist faculty in applying technology in classroom instruction to increase student learning. He has earned a Ph.D. in Education and a master’s degree in Educational Technology and has presented at state, regional, and national levels on using campus technology for innovative educational efforts. Sam lives with his wife and four kids in Spanish Fork, UT.
Presentation: August 26, 2022, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Room KB 101A
The ASDS AVP Search Committee had two additional candidates outside of UVU in consideration for the position, but they have since accepted offers at different institutions and have therefore been withdrawn as finalists.


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