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Ethiopia, Russia Agree to Strengthen Bilateral Relations – – Walta Information Center

Addis Ababa, July 27, 2022 (Walta) – Ethiopia and Russia have agreed to continue strengthening their relations in terms of international diplomacy, economy, trade, science and technology.
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, held talks with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov on various issues of mutual interest today.
Demeke Mekonnen said that the two of them held fruitful discussion that reaffirms the shared values and interests of Ethiopia and Russia in various areas while briefing the press following the discussion.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister attached significant importance to the longstanding historical relations with the Russian Federation and appreciated Russia’s unwavering support to Ethiopia during difficult times of need.
On the other hand, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said that Ethio-Russia bilateral relationship is delightful and effective.
He also highlighted the need to hold ministerial meeting of the two countries.
The Russian Foreign Minister further said that Russia would continue to work together with Ethiopia on international and regional issues.
Walta Media and Communication Corporate S.C. (WMCC) is a broadcast media company based in Addis Ababa, the political capital of Africa. The company which owns TV and Radio Stations aspires to become a pan African media company currently disseminating information in local and international languages.


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