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EVPassport launches cloud-based service specifically for hotels – Asian Hospitality

The platform allows EV drivers to connect to the hotel’s services online
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING stations are a growing fixture at hotels around the U.S. Now, EV charging hardware and software producer EVPassport has released a new cloud-based system that connects its users to the hotel’s guest services platform.
The EVPassport Hotel Cloud, a variation of the company’s cloud platform designed specifically for the hospitality industry, offers several options beside a simple charge. Guests can use the platform to locate the hotel on all EV charging location maps and apps. It allows owners to set charging prices, manage access and get details on energy usage, earnings history and carbon offset.
EVPassport Hotel Cloud’s “scan and charge” QR code technology allows users to pay without needing fobs, apps or cards. Hotels get an extra revenue stream from the stations, which can be wrapped in the hotel’s name, logo and colors.
“What if plugging into an EV charger at your hotel would automatically do things like check the guest into their room, sync extra loyalty points on their account, trigger a discount code for the spa, or calculate carbon offset, all on their own smartphone while charging their EV?” said Hooman Shahidi, co-founder and president of EVPassport. “That’s precisely what Hotel Cloud has the ability to do. Equally exciting is the fact that this technology – because it’s updated through the cloud – is future-proof against new applications and technologies that will emerge. This will ensure that hotels remain on the cutting-edge of tech.”
Shahidi said he hopes the hotel industry adopts the new technology for its own good.
“The hotel industry as a whole needs to continue – and accelerate – the technology adoption trend we have demonstrated in the last couple of years,” said Andrea Foster, senior vice president of development of Marcus Hotels & Resorts and EVPassport advisory board member. “This is our opportunity. Hoteliers who integrate EVPassport Hotel Cloud will not only enjoy a competitive advantage as the EV market continues to grow, but this software will provide capabilities and insights that will propel the industry into the future.”
Previously, the U.S. Travel Association said that the Biden administration’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program will make foundational investments in the national EV charging network.

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