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Focusing on the drought in Ethiopia from the South Coast –

Ethiopia is in the middle of one of the worst droughts for 50 years.
Millions of people have lost food, water and livelihoods and are taking desperate measures to survive, with more than one million people leaving their homes in search of food, water and pasture, Kerri Murray, the President of ShelterBox USA – which is headquartered in Santa Barbara – told KCLU.
“We know there’s a huge crisis and people are facing the threat of starvation.
“There’s not enough access to safe water for drinking and cooking and basic things like cleaning,
“And there’s massive displacement as people are on the hunt for food and water.
“So people are facing several different crises all at once,” said Murray.
They’re delivering emergency shelter to some of the many in need in the region.
“What we are going to be doing is bringing in thousands of sets of emergency shelter.”


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