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Hale County Schools gets more state support to help students – WBRC

HALE CO., Ala. (WBRC) – The Alabama State Department of Education selected the Hale County School System to be one of the schools to benefit from what it calls a Multi-Tier System of Support or MTSS.
The state will offer personnel to help with the academics, behavior and social skills of students in Hale County students. A specialist from the state will be working with teachers and support staff that are directly in those schools.
This will be additional support to help boost programs that are already in place in Hale County public schools. Superintendent Michael Ryans says this will help them identify students much earlier who need additional support to prevent them from falling behind.
“They help to make our programs and personnel better by providing the support for academics,. It provides the professional development support. It gets us to the point where we can at least reach out to the child, catch the child early and at least help support until the child reaches grade level,” Ryans said.
This is part of a state-wide initiative. Hale County Schools is in the first group of school systems statewide that are part of this effort. Superintendent Ryans says they’ll start getting state support for MTSS in October.
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