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Humanitarian Assistance to Communities in Northern Ethiopia – United States Department of State – Department of State

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Press Statement
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
June 7, 2022
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The United States welcomes the progress in securing more regular access for humanitarian assistance to communities in need in the Afar, Amhara, and Tigray regions of Ethiopia.  In the past seven days, more than 1,100 trucks have reached Tigray to deliver life-saving food, malnutrition treatment and health supplies, and other essential relief items to those who are most vulnerable as a result of the hard work of all the humanitarians committed to saving lives.  We particularly appreciate the cooperation of the Government of Ethiopia, Afar regional authorities, and Tigrayan regional authorities to facilitate the delivery of this assistance, as well as the efforts of the United Nations agencies, international organizations, U.S. government partners, and humanitarian organizations across Ethiopia.
We encourage the parties to continue to build on this momentum and advance to talks to achieve a sustainable end of conflict.  We also call for the immediate restoration of essential services in conflict-affected areas and support an inclusive political process to provide security and prosperity for all Ethiopians, and accountability for human rights violations committed by all parties.
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