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Illinois State achieves third highest private support total with $31.2 million raised – Illinois State University News

Illinois State University reached its third highest private support total during the fiscal year that ended June 30, with $31.2 million raised. It was the first time more than $30 million was raised without an eight-figure gift commitment made.
“The impact of private support at Illinois State cannot be understated,” said Illinois State University President Dr. Terri Goss Kinzy. “From scholarships for students to opportunities that advance research and allow for investments in infrastructure, private contributions strengthen our campus. We could not achieve the level of excellence for which Illinois State University is known were it not for donor support.”
Illinois State’s alumni, donors, and friends again rallied around the institution during 2022’s fiscal year. Gifts from 14,475 donors led Illinois State to fundraising success. The totals were bolstered by Illinois State’s own giving day, Birds Give Back, which raised $960,944 from 2,919 donors on February 24.
A $5 million gift commitment to support the College of Education and University High School also boosted the total. The gift was among 27 deferred gift commitments made during the fiscal year, which contributed to a future giving pipeline of more than $105 million.
Donors established 89 new scholarships, adding to Illinois State’s 962 endowed funds under management. More than 2,700 scholarships were awarded during the fiscal year to help recruit and retain students.
The Illinois State University endowment has grown to more than $196.9 million despite market fluctuations. Eric Burwell ’90, chair of the Illinois State University Foundation Board of Directors, said the endowment is a source of strength and stability for the University.
“Illinois State University can move forward with confidence knowing it can rely on resources from past, present, and future donors. Our goal is to continue to manage donors’ investments so they can be a source of support for our great university,” said Burwell.
“We are so grateful to the Illinois State donors who invest in the ISU experience,” said Vice President for University Advancement Pat Vickerman. “Every gift equals a vote of confidence in the significance of Illinois State and creates opportunities for our Redbird students. From private scholarships allowing students to attend ISU, to enhanced program funding that provides students with a distinctive and competitive edge, our donors continue to make a difference for current and future Redbirds.”
Read more about the impact of private support at Illinois State University.


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