The Marion City Schools state of the schools address led by Interim Superintendent Steve Mazzi Monday focused on district achievements and its positive trajectory in each department and school building to highlight positive programs and changes for the district’s students.
Before passing the microphone to each of his district-level directors and building principals to present, Mazzi presented a new tagline intended to celebrate district and student accomplishments: “#changethenarrative.”
As a part of this process, Mazzi said the district’s mission statement of “Inspiring a Community of Achievement” needs to be more than something written on paper and should be communicated and lived out everyday by all individuals throughout the district.
“We have to commit to making sure that we’re the ones creating our own message, because if we don’t, you can be sure that people will create one for us,” Mazzi said.
He then passed the microphone to Assistant Superintendent Olympia Della Flora who reviewed the districts four pillars of Leadership, Learning, Literacy and Legacy and how they were to be adjusted based upon the new state report card system, which provides districts a star-based score instead of a letter grade.
Della Flora explained that the goal of each pillar will continue to be meeting or exceeding state standards: which is now three stars or higher rather than a C-grade or above.
She then explained the sub-goals and next steps for each pillar individually. For the Learning Pillar, which includes both academic and social-emotional learning (SEL), Della Flora explained the district has established a separate goal for SEL as it is not included in the state report card’s measurement.
“So our goal will be to achieve three stars or better on all of those components for our academic learning pillar and our social-emotional goal we will want to continue to improve those school environments, trying to keep our kids in school, reduction in discipline days that are out of school by 2024,” she said.
District administrators then rose one-by-one to share the achievements, updates and focus areas for the 2022 – 2023 year in each department or building.
Communicating goals for improvement in the state report card goals, Data and Accountability Supervisor Greg Menzie said the district met the state standard in gap closing but it is still a main focus area moving forward.
“If we help our students grow, that is going to help our value added and all that encompasses that achievement piece in inspiring a community of achievement, helping our students grow, ultimately helping them succeed and be successful,” he said.
Social-emotional learning and wellness were recurring focus areas for the academic year.
Director of Student Services Jennifer Sheridan said 80 staff members had participated in two sessions of training in restorative practices over the summer, and a de-escalation room, or a PEACE room, was installed in three of the six elementary buildings based on behavioral referral data from the 2021-2022 year.
She added that the district has gained a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst through the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio, and she serves the district two days per week.
With regard to the wellbeing and inclusion of both students and staff, Diversity and Equity Supervisor Johnnie Jackson shared that staff focus groups for the district’s equity audit are to launch in the several weeks. Focus groups for students are to take place in the spring.
The meeting concluded with updates from each building principal. The impact of the new energy, staff members and top-level administrators was noted by several principals beyond programming updates and student achievement.
As he transitioned into the time for building administrators to present, Garfield Elementary Principal Jon Smith said he wanted to take a minute to thank the board, superintendents and district administrators for their support.
“I can say this is my tenth year in the district and I feel very supported from the top down this year. This is my first year as a building principal, and they have all just been so there and helpful and honestly inspiring,” Smith said.
To close, Mazzi thanked each staff member for speaking and reminded the crowd once again of the district’s mission.
“We realize there’s much work left to do, but at the same time we certainly feel there are celebrations to be had and that we are trending in the right direction, so again I thank you. I appreciate everyone’s time this evening, and I’ll say, ‘Inspiring a Community of Achievement’ and ‘#change the narrative.'”
Story by: Sophia Veneziano (740) 564 – 5243 ∣