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Mobile area residents get a “peek” into their county school system – Alabama Public Radio

Big news could be coming today for supporters of the Mobile County Public Schools System. The district is creating a new program called the Learning Leading University. Applicants for the classes are scheduled to hear on Monday whether they’ve been selected. This program will provide the opportunity to learn more about the school system and the operational process. Sally Ericson is with the school district. She says the goal of the program is designed to help people learn about every aspect of Mobile County Schools.
“So we envision this as a way for our 40 participants to learn about why we make the kind of decisions that we make, how we do our hiring, how our nutrition program comes together, what measures we’re taking to ensure our students’ safety,” she said.
Ericson serves as the Community Engagement Specialist for the district. She says participants will cover a range of seven topics on Mobile County Public Schools.
“The first one is teaching and learning, the second session is about school security, the third in January is about school financing, the fourth is career tech, and then we’ll have a session on child nutrition student health and athletics. Then the final session is about student support services and then we’ll have the graduation.”
The Mobile County Public School System serves over fifty thousand students on ninety campuses


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