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New contract with ‘historic’ raises of $3 to $5 an hour approved by Philly schools workers – The Philadelphia Inquirer

The lowest-paid workers’ salaries will rise immediately, to $20 an hour from $14.31.
The union representing 2,000 Philadelphia School District bus drivers, cleaners, and trades workers approved a new contract with “historic raises” Saturday.
The deal between the district and 32BJ SEIU Local 1201 gives employees raises of from $3 to more than $5 an hour and provides millions in safety training — a key provision of the deal. The lowest-paid workers’ salaries will rise immediately, to $20 an hour from $14.31.
» READ MORE: Strike averted: 2,000 Philly schools workers have a new contract, raises, more training
32BJ had asked for wages more in line with what employees in similar jobs working for the city are paid, plus more training in areas from de-escalating conflict to dealing with active-shooter situations and identifying asbestos in the school system’s old buildings.
Ultimately, the district agreed to the wage hikes plus $2 million in standardized training programs, which officials said gives members “the safety and security they need right now, with opportunities to better their skills and qualify for jobs within the district that match those skills.”
The contract was ratified by a 5-1 ratio by members meeting at Benjamin Franklin High School on Saturday, said John Bynum, SEIU’s assistant director for the School District. It preserves pension and health benefits.
Next up for the contract: approval by the school board, presumably at its Sept. 22 meeting.
» READ MORE: 2,000 Philly school workers have authorized a strike. What does it mean?
32BJ represents bus drivers, bus attendants, bus mechanics, building cleaners, building engineers, and trades workers. Their salaries, under the prior contract, ranged from about $16,000 for some cleaners to nearly $70,000 for construction inspectors.
Bynum said he was pleased both with his bargaining committee and Mayor Jim Kenney’s office, which helped broker the deal, as well as elected officials who publicly voiced their support for the union.
“SEIU 32BJ is very pleased with the wins that this contract gives our workers including historic wage increases and essential training programs,” Bynum said in a statement. “This contract also honors the enormous contributions and sacrifices that 32BJ school workers have made to the Philadelphia School District over the past decade, including risking their lives to keep kids in school throughout the pandemic.”
Superintendent Tony B. Watlington Sr. said in a statement the contract approval is “a great step forward for our staff and the School District of Philadelphia as a whole.”
“The increases in wages and compensation, and investments in additional training for our building engineers, bus chauffeurs, bus attendants, bus mechanics, custodial assistants, general cleaners and tradespeople will support their continued retention and development in service to our students,” Watlington said.
The union’s last contract expired Wednesday. Members had threatened to strike, authorizing a labor stoppage if no deal was reached by the contract deadline.


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