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Papua New Guinea: ICRC Activities 2021 – Papua New Guinea – ReliefWeb

Missing persons: the right to know
In situations of armed conflicts and other situations affected by violence, countless families suffer great anguish when loved ones go missing. In Bougainville, ICRC continues to support families whose loved ones went missing during the Bougainville crisis, find solace and closure to their grief.
In 2021, the ICRC;
Support to restoring and maintaining family links
Due to COVID-19, family vists were postponed in 2021.
With the participation of the Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society (PNGRCS), the ICRC continues supporting authorities to maintain family links of Bougainville detainees with their family across Bougainville and the East New Britain Province. Due to COVID-19 safety measures and travel restrictions, family visits were postponed in 2021.
Support to detention authorities
ICRC continued visits to a total of 15 places of detention 6 prisons and 9 police lockups in 2021. The six prisons, which together house around half the total prison population in PNG are spread across the country, including the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The potential for COVID-19 to cause a catastrophic outbreak triggered an application by the delegation for extra resources, which were used to create a ‘surge’ team, which co-produced plans for pilot projects at four key prisons with renovations and improvements to be supported by Wathab and a revised reception process, including medical screening, supported by healthcare in detention.
In 2021, the ICRC;
Preventing effects of armed violence
During the year the ICRC has conducted awareness sessions along with drama shows to communities, schools and during organized events such as Hagen, Enga and Goroka Cultural shows including different groups within its area of operations. The sessions help people understand ICRC mandate, area of work, activities and different key messages on minimizing the consequences of tribal fights. The ICRC also conducted awareness to improve acceptance, security and access while working to protect and assist people affected by tribal fights.
Helping those affected by armed violence
In 2021, ICRC continued its assistance to those affected by armed violence making sure affected communities receive the necessary support in relief items, trainings in agriculture, business development and tailoring skills. ICRC also provided technical vocational education scholarship opportunities under its program on Access to Education and structural response to help meet essential needs of communities.
In 2021, the ICRC;
Supporting health care
In collaboration with provincial health authorities, church run health services, and local communities, the ICRC in the Highlands and Bougainville provided the following in 2021;
Support to Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society
The Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society plays a key role in the ICRC’s area of responsibilities. The collaboration has resulted in a number of positive outcomes achieved in 2021 which has further led to strengthening the movement’s partnership in the country.
In 2021, the ICRC;
Working with the Royal PNG Constabulary, PNG Defence and Academia on IHL
The ICRC in PNG continues to collaborate with the national authorities and the academia on the promotion, development and integration of international humanitarian law and human rights law in the country.
In 2021, the ICRC;
IHL and academia
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