September 28 2022
The Department of Personnel Management in collaboration with Department of Information and Communication Technology has held a digital transformation forum to advocate the digitalisation of Public Service General Orders and automation of all associated Human Resource management business.
September 27, 2022
The Department of Personnel Management in collaboration with Department of Information and Communication Technology has held a digital transformation forum to advocate the digitalisation of Public Service General Orders and automation of all associated Human Resource management business.
Minister for Public Service John Sungi said the key objective of this joint forum is to inform all human resource management (HRM) managers and ICT Unit in the public service of the digital HRM transformation roadmap.
Mr Sungi said the issues of concern for the DPM is the lack of information and unreliable data on manpower, poor performance and lack of reporting, high level of corruption and lack of discipline.
“The ICT intervention by government to improve the public services will have the application of ICT to modernise the public services and the forum is a major breakthrough by DPM in the ICT space.
This intervention will now help the DPM know everyone that is on the public servant payroll because for far too long government has not paid attention to the human resource in the department.
Human resource is the key and its time public service leaders realise the significant of human resource and change their mindset to put priority to human resource,” he said.
DPM Secretary Taies Sansan said DPM has taken the initiative to embrace digitalisation or digital transformation in the human resource domain and aims to drive enabling strategies in its human resource roadmap and its corporate plan.
Ms Sansan said the business analytics projects will be using the dashboard reports on various personnel emoluments that are related data and also an integral part of the digital transformation.
She said the digital HR transformation will have access to fortnightly PE dashboard reports and will be allocated to agency heads and HRM managers and practitioners at the forum.
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K42 million has been allocated through the 2022 Supplementary Budget as a three per cent salary increase for 128,000 public servants in the country.
Houses for low income earners will be built.
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