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Poudre School District Board approves first public comment guidelines – Coloradoan

After several iterations and feedback from parents, Poudre School District finally has guidelines in place for how the public can participate in its board meetings.
Until Tuesday night, when the board unanimously approved the guidelines, the district had no official structure in place to dictate how the community could make public comment.
“I support having the opportunity for community comment,” said Board member Nate Donovan. “I think its particularly important for the board, district leaders and the community to hear from members of the community. Especially on topics that may be uncomfortable or hard to hear.”
At the board’s last meeting on Aug. 23, PSD parent Dani Lawrence said she had concerns with the guidelines and a proposed “no stand-in policy” that would have prevented community members from having someone deliver comments on their behalf. Lawrence noted that people with disabilities aren’t always able to speak on their own behalf, mentioning people with autism, ADHD, anxiety and other mental health issues as examples.
Board members agreed to strike the “no stand-in” policy from the guidelines during the August meeting, and these changes were reflected in the version of the guidelines passed by the board Tuesday.
More:Parents raise concerns over Poudre School District’s proposed public comment policy
Lawrence addressed the board again Tuesday night, saying the change didn’t go far enough and some of the language in the guidelines was still confusing and could be interpreted as non-inclusive.
Lawrence referenced a line that said, “notwithstanding this rule, translators and other individuals as needed as an accommodation may accompany the speaker.” Lawrence said the sentence still indicates that the person who wrote the comment needs to be present, “which defies true accessibility, in my opinion.”
Donovan and board member DJ Anderson asked if the board could address Lawrence’s comments to ensure the guidelines were clear for anyone who needs assistance to address the board.
Board President Rob Petterson clarified that anyone can make a comment, whether they’re the original author of the statement or reading on behalf of someone else. Anyone who needs assistance from another person in order to make their comment may have whatever accommodation they need.
The following are things speakers are not allowed to do:


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