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Romanian IT professionals excel in Python and other programming languages preferred by Silicon Valley start-ups – Business Review

Python, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript and the C suite are the most sought-after programming languages ​​in Romania and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
This is the conclusion of a study about the most popular programming languages ​​in Eastern Europe, conducted by, a Ukrainian start-up that functions as a job marketplace for freelance programmers.’s analysis was based on several indicators: job postings available on profile sites, market demand from contributors, especially start-ups in the United States, and the knowledge of developers who sign up for the Lemon platform .io to provide its IT services.
“Developers from Romania excel in web development and custom software development. They have excellent technical skills in JavaScript, C/C++ and Python programming, and their ethics, experience in working with global brands and formidable reputation when it comes to outsourcing IT services are appreciated around the world”, says Aleksandr Volodarsky, CEO and co-founder

Although there are hundreds of programming languages ​​and web development technologies on the market, only a few dozen are practically used in the day-to-day work of tech specialists.
The choice of the required technology depends largely on the type of application desired and its complexity. At the same time, it is almost impossible for a project to involve only one programming language because each one plays its own role in the successful completion of the project.

Thus, when it comes to creating a functional website or an application, we are not only talking about knowledge of Front-end development or only Back-end development but of both of them together.
Front-end development refers to what is “seen”: interface, buttons, design, and colors. Back-end development refers to the back-end systems, lines of code and servers that ensure the functionality of all applications built by Front-end Developers.
For Front-End development, the main languages ​​used are HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and the most common frameworks (libraries) are React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap.
Many programming languages ​​qualify for Back-End development, the most well-known and used being Python, PHP, Java, C++/C#, Ruby and JavaScript.
The only programming language in which both the Front-End and the Back-End of an application can be written is JavaScript, through the Node.js runtime.
The most requested software technologies from customers are Python, Typescript, Ruby React, Node, Vue.js, React Native, Angular și Flutter.
Also, the demand for skills in the field of data science (Data Science), machine learning (machine learning), and robotics is growing exponentially as more and more start-ups appear focused on innovation in various fields: from tech, pharma, e-commerce, gaming, and entertainment.
In Romania, freelance IT specialists have increasingly sought after. Such a specialist must have advanced knowledge of the most popular technologies and be willing to work flexibly, well-paid, but at the same time extremely competitive.
Thousands of offers for IT people abound on job sites, even though we’re just out of summer – which isn’t exactly considered “recruiting season”.
At the beginning of September 2022, the situation was as follows on the profile sites:
Python – more than 2800 job openings
Python is a programming language often used to build websites and software, to automate tasks, perform data analysis, but also in machine learning and robotics.
Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and is not specialized for specific problems.
This versatility, along with its ease for beginners, has made it one of the most widely used programming languages ​​today.
Companies like Netflix, Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify use Python extensively for various projects.
“Python is one of the programming languages ​​chosen mainly by programmers from start-ups. It is popular because it is a high-level, dynamic, scalable, and object-oriented coding language. Start-ups depend heavily on Python for its simplicity and user-friendly features. It is a budget-friendly language and a programming language known by a large beach of specialists,” says Aleksandr Volodarsky, CEO and co-founder of
“Python is a more productive language compared to Java or C++. Since start-ups are always in a hurry and have a limited budget, Python is the best choice (among popular languages) to develop things faster without compromising quality”, emphasizes Aleksandr Volodarsky.
Java – more than 2700 job openings
Java is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, being used for GUI desktop applications, mobile applications, game consoles or applications, and even web servers.
JavaScript –  more than 2000 job openings
JavaScript is a programming language used mainly to introduce functionality to web pages. The JavaScript code in these pages is run by the browser but is also used to access embedded objects in other applications.
Suita C (C, C++, C#) – more than 1800 job openings
C is a general-purpose programming language that is ideal for developing firmware or portable applications. Originally intended for writing system software, C was developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix operating system in the early 1970s.
C++ is a superset of the C language.
C# is a modern, general-purpose programming language that can be used to accomplish a wide range of tasks and goals that span a variety of professions.
C# is primarily used on the Windows .NET framework, although it can be applied to an open source platform.
Globally, the ranking looks similar. According to data provided by, JavaScript ranks first with 28%, followed by Java (20%) and Python (16%). Other languages ​​worth mentioning are: PHP (8%), Kotlin, Swfit, Scala or Ruby.
Eastern European countries have earned a reputation for being a veritable haven for offshore software development. Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ukraine are the five countries that create two-thirds of the IT added value in Eastern and Central Europe (CEE), totalling over one million specialists in information technology and software development.
In Romania, approximately 200,000 specialists work in the tech industry (135,000 in software development), representing 2.6% of the Romanian workforce, according to Eurostat data updated in May 2022.
Thus, Romania has the third largest base of specialists in the CEE. The first place in the CEE is occupied by Poland, with over 400,000 specialists in the IT and software sector, followed by Ukraine with over 285,000. Hungary and the Czech Republic are positioned below our country, having around 150,000 specialists each.
Currently, collaborates with over 630 programmers from over 46 countries – more than 60 specialists residing in Romania (Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj). is looking to recruit more than 100 IT specialists from our country to work remotely on projects for Silicon Valley start-ups.
The Ukrainian start-up aims to become the main source of income for 1,000+ developers by the end of 2022.
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