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SAP Driving Digital Transformation for Progress in Pakistan – Pakistan Observer

Saquib Ahmad, Country Managing Director, SAP Pakistan, highlight the impact and contribution of SAP’s operations in Pakistan.
SAP is deeply-rooted in all segments of business and operations. For Pakistan, it has been instrumental in shaping and expanding the industry to create a global footprint for commerce and business.
Mr. Ahmad explain SAP’s contribution and ongoing enrichment of the business operations of their clients.
“From industries producing household products, to automobile and energy industry, education networks, pharmaceutical companies and textile hubs, SAP has proven to be the success factor in enabling them with expansion and efficiency towards meeting targets and widening the horizon.”
Saquib further added that the list of clients for SAP Pakistan varies from conglomerates to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and SAP is equipped to provide a tailor-made solution to consolidate all the requirements of the client and enhance it to achieve desired vision. He validated this further by relaying the example of a retail store that utilized the services of SAP and grew from a single unit to a national-level entity.
He was clear on SAP Pakistan’s vision. Profound yet simple, to help the world run better and improves people lives better. SAP, through their software, ensures a design and workflow that impacts the lives of the users (company and customers) most positively.


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