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Shattered Ethiopia: the politics and communal strife of a land at war – Reuters

The young mother was trying to get home with food for her two children when she says soldiers pulled her off a minibus in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, claiming it was overloaded. Full Story
April 15, 2021
Across Ethiopia, Tigrayans are being fired and jailed since fighting erupted in their home region. The tensions are complicating efforts to end one of the world’s bitterest civil conflicts and threatening the unity of the country. Full Story
May 07, 2021
Accounts surfaced last year of ethnic killings in an Ethiopian town called Mai Kadra. Now Reuters has pieced together accounts of those atrocities and the chain of events they unleashed. Full Story
June 07, 2021
In this graphic story, the Reuters reporting team mapped out how the bloodletting unfolded across Western Tigray. Full Story
June 07, 2021
Hunger is stalking the Tigray region again, and a senior UN official alleges that starvation is being used as a weapon of war. Full Story
June 15, 2021
This picture essay revealing the destruction from the fighting in the Ethiopian village of Sheweate Hugum sheds light on a turning point in the conflict. Full Story
August 24, 2021
When Eritrea sent troops into the Tigray region, the secretive nation seized a double opportunity: It detained thousands of Eritrean refugees as it battled Ethiopia’s former rulers. Spearheading the bloody campaign: a colonel nicknamed ‘Son of Bread’ Full Story
November 01, 2021
Civil war has pushed millions of Ethiopians to the brink. History shows how deep the country’s divides run. Full Story
December 21, 2021
Ethiopian troops have driven back Tigrayan forces that had advanced on the capital. Reuters visited areas formerly held by the rebels and documented accounts of rapes and killings. Full Story
December 28, 2021


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