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The Ultimate Guide to Custom Software Product Development – Appinventiv

Enlighten our tech experts about your breakthrough idea in an intensive session. We characterise your product idea and define the Scope of work.
We elicit business needs, study the competitive landscape, perform strategic analysis, and provide bespoke solutions.
Define your product strategy, prioritize features and visualize the end results with our strategic Discovery workshops. Validate assumptions with real users and find answers to most pressing concerns with Design Sprint.
Seamlessly integrate branding, functionality, usability and accessibility into your product. We enhance user interaction and deliver experiences that are meaningful and delightful.
We enhance usability and craft designs that are unconventional and intuitively guides users into a splendid visual journey.
Identify usability issues, discuss UX improvements, and radically improve your digital product with our UX review sessions.
Our IT consulting services provide you the gears necessary for overcoming technological challenges.
We seamlessly integrate continuous development, testing and deployment to release quality solutions quickly.
We outline low-budget innovative strategies, identify channels for rapid customer acquisition and scale businesses to new heights.
We validate early and iterate often. From ideation to launch, we follow a holistic approach to full-cycle product development.
We are early adopters of disruptive technologies. Unravel unique insights on our technological know-how and thought leadership.
While every non-specialist knows that software product development involves writing code, it is just the core activity.
There’s much more in the entire software development process.
It includes ideation and design before writing any code.
Several questions arise during this development phase.
The questions are never-ending.
This software development guide is the only holy grail you need to understand the entire process. Let’s dig in deeper for a clearer insight.
It is the process of creating a software product, including requirements gathering, design, coding, testing, and deployment. In order to be effective, software development methods must be well-planned and organized, with clear objectives and milestones in mind.
You might not realize it, but software development has touched all the aspects of modern life. It’s not just about the smartphone applications and online marketplaces, but it has also got us a few innovative solutions like blockchain, AI analytics, and IoT.
It has transformed how people access information and make purchasing decisions. And, of course, it has completely changed our way of working fundamentally.
Software development is a crucial part of any business as it helps them automate their processes and reach a larger audience. Software development in the industry improvises clients’ experience as it brings feature-rich products to the market, thus making setups more productive, safe, and efficient. Let’s have a quick look at the advantages of software product development:
software product development matters
As your business grows, so do your requirements. Going for an off-the-shelf software solution will become a problem as supporting your business becomes expensive to license. Off-the-shelf software solutions might be a better fit for smaller organizations when the operations are still not stable. Developing a software solution enables you to grow and scale your business.
For instance, Pizza Hut did not have a well-performing digital framework. Their app did not have a scalable architecture which led to a poor user experience. This is where Appinventiv’s experts came into the scene and revamped their existing app that was not just fully functional, but also highly engaging.
The users could now experience a scalable, glitch-free, speedy, and easy-to-use food ordering and delivery app.
As business needs evolve and change, it’s important that the software products that are being used to meet those needs are able to adapt as well. By utilizing a process of continuous software product development, businesses can ensure that their products are always up-to-date and meet the latest customer demands.
This approach allows for regular tweaks and updates to be made to the product based on feedback from customers and users – ensuring that the end result is exactly what is needed. Ultimately, this leads to a better overall customer experience and increased satisfaction levels.
To quote a software product development example, JobGet, turned to Appinventiv’s assistance to not only meet the changing needs of the customers but also to make the job search process more efficient and simplified. Our efforts resulted in reducing the job search time for blue-collar workers from months to days and placing 150,000 job seekers through the app.
When it comes to business, time is money. The faster you can get your processes optimized and running smoothly, the more profitable your company will be. That’s why many businesses are turning to software product development to streamline their operations.
By creating custom-made software specifically tailored to meet your unique needs, product development can help you optimize everything from sales and marketing to accounting and HR.
To quote another software product example, IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, in order to optimize its business processes took Appinventiv’s help to build an ERP software product. Our efforts not only made customer onboarding easy but also resulted in a solution that is touted as the biggest source of RoI by IKEA.
So if you’re looking for a way to speed up your business process, and want to clarify your doubts on what is software development process, then consider investing in some good software development services. You won’t regret it.
Businesses that rely on the off-the-shelf software solution, which does not offer the full capabilities and features the company needs for its operations and often experiences disruption when compared to businesses using customized software.
Having software developed that meets the unique requirement of the business helps the employee work more productively and efficiently. Also, employees can now complete their job duties at a satisfactory level because they have proper software that supports the job requirements.
Utilizing custom software development, you can integrate your new software with an existing one to redefine your business processes. Custom software mitigates or lowers the chances of integration issues and can easily fit into the software ecosystem of any kind of business. Custom software development helps businesses with outdated systems to easily update the business process and make an essential shift to the cloud and mobile.
Purchasing an off-the-shelf software makes a business dependent on the company that has developed it. The terms and conditions, pricing, and the future of the business all go out of your hands. If that company suddenly stops updating the product, then you will have a limited time to get hold of a new software provider. Therefore, with custom software, you can utilize it as long as you like. Of course, there will be a few maintenance costs to consider, but overall, you will have to worry less about it.
No matter how good a piece of software is, it will always encounter bugs or might require updates. When this happens, it becomes crucial to contact customer support for proper assistance. With custom software development, businesses can get constant support from a dedicated team of IT professionals in the company who are always available for post-launch maintenance to minimize downtime and keep the business processes running efficiently.
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Every business in today’s fast-paced world requires software products, and software products help companies to gain momentum and competitive advantage. Here are some of the common scenarios which indicate why your business needs software product development:
When you start noticing visible growth in your business, then it’s the right time to automate it. You must ensure that the quality of your production services is of the highest standards. Product development can help you evaluate the quality of your products and services, comply with government regulations and deliver quality-based products and services. With software development solutions, you increase your chances for better returns.
A dissatisfied customer will quickly move to your competition. Bottlenecks created by miscommunication can lead to loss of opportunities. If your organization is dealing with a low satisfaction rate and a higher volume of complaints, you need custom software development. It can optimize your supply chain and help you make informed decisions.
When you experience exponential growth in your customer base, handling the data becomes complex. Those customers’ data need to be organized so that you can utilize it to make better business decisions. Software product development can offer you visibility and insights into your customer’s data, thus contributing to the financial health of your organization.
[Also Read: The New Product Development Process: 7 Essential Stages for Success]
If you want to know how software development work or the product development process steps, then here are a few things to consider first before starting:
Things to Consider Before Starting with Software Development
Technical skills are something that should never be forgotten. Often, it becomes difficult to manage things internally, due to the lack of technical expertise. In order to extract the highest value of technology into your business, you need to hire a reputed software product development company that can fulfill your technical needs.
For any software development plan to succeed, understanding the user’s demand is a must. Consider validating your idea by creating an MVP. MVP is the first version of your product with the basic set of features. This helps generate valuable feedback for your product through which you can build a cutting-edge app that meets the user’s demand.
Understanding what is important for you and what are the things you couldn’t do without is crucial. Knowing what is more or less critical for your business can steer the best possible plan for your project. Also, you must list down your software product’s tangible and intangible benefits for setting your priorities right.
Before you launch your app, you must know where you are going to host it. You will host and distribute it in the app stores if it’s an app. if it’s a server-based software, then you are required to choose cloud services. The server needs to be configured and managed to remain stable and secure. You also need to consider whether you have sufficient resources to handle this internally or if you need to hire a software product development company.
This is the essential part! Depending on your scenario, you need to decide on any approach for going through life. You can either go for a soft launch with targeted uses or can go for a direct launch as well. You will need to consider cloud data migration and be ready for the obstacles that might come your way during your deployment process. You can also schedule extra buffer time during the planning stages if required.
Post-launch support is a type of post-deployment customer care that initiates post-launch and runs for a couple of weeks or months. The objective of post-launch support involves evaluation and post-monitoring of your platform’s functionalities and features, such as on-site training, technical support, data integrity, and handling of customer service queries. The goal is to establish a smoother functioning system that your users know how to navigate.
Software development is the crux of the entire IT industry. Here are a few types of software development processes:
Application development is a generic software development type. Fundamentally, it characterizes the development of a computer program or a setup program meant for performing a particular task. Application development follows the steps of gathering requirements, designing prototypes, programming and testing the application, and then the final launch.
Common programming languages used: Java, C/C++, C#, Python, etc.
Frontend development is a crucial part of software development that is immediately visible to the users as it includes graphical elements of an application, system, or website. It involves managing client-side behavior and building user interfaces (UI). UI is crucial for making the software appealing to the end-users.
Frontend development is also referred to as a ‘client side’ of the application. It includes everything the users can experience directly, like the images, text, styles, buttons, graphs and tables, navigation, menu, and colors.
Common programming languages used: JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
Backend development include the server-side behavior that correlates to the database servers, application programming interfaces, and other internal structures that make a crucial part in the product development process steps.
Here the end-users do not see what is happening on the backend. The backend server handles requests, API integrates associated software, and the database stores the user data and other relevant information. Backend development drives the entire software development as a whole.
Common programming languages used: Ruby, Python, and Java.
The “white-hat” ethical hackers, penetration hackers, and cybersecurity experts work for the company’s benefit and data systems. The cybersecurity team mainly develops software for protecting valuable company assets from hackers, thefts, viruses, and other malicious attacks. The penetration tester attempts to ‘hack’ the system to find any vulnerability’s location.
Common programming languages used: NodeJS, ReactJS, jQuery
Almost every software application requires an organized database and data collection. A DBMS or Database Management System interacts with applications, end-users, and databases to capture and analyze data. The software development team uses DBMS for setting up and tuning legacy applications.
Common programming languages used: Python, SQL, and PHP
With the upsurge in the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded software development is booming. This software development focuses explicitly on coding skills required for embedded systems like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Beaglebones, and it is dedicated to specific software running on the machine.
Common programming languages used: Python, C, C++, Arduino, Assembly
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The process of how does software development work is a step–by–step method that needs to be dealt with efficiently and effectively. So to understand how to create a software product, let’s learn about SDLC or software product development life cycle methodologies and software product development stages in detail:
The initial product development process steps start with an out–of–the–box concept and validating your application idea, but it is recommended to document everything from the very beginning.
Avoid keeping your software product development ideas just inside your head. The concept should be carefully thought out and brainstormed to be executed. Here are a few things that you can probe upon:
These simple steps will help your software product development life cycle in ways you can’t even fathom and make the software product development process smooth right from the start! This also defines a clear plan that you have regarding the product.
While analyzing and validating your ideas, make sure you go for software development consulting for feasibility analysis.
Feasibility analysis, an essential part of the app discovery process, will help you determine the technical and economic aspects impacting your software product development process. You must keep a few things in mind while planning your product’s roadmap, like time, resources, essential tasks, estimates, ROI, etc. An adequate amount of analysis and planning helps foresee the risks that can occur during the software product design process. It will help you get ready with risk mitigation strategies.
Once you are through with your second step, you can go ahead and start with a proof of concept (POC). POC is one of the most critical steps that custom software development services must follow. This stage comes into existence way before the software product development process starts. It will help you in validating your idea, and you will know if the stages of software development are working for your business or not. It will confirm technical feasibility and possible expectations and determine the potential blocks and the scope to accomplish them.
Software product design is an integral stage of software development. Once the POC is successful, the design team conceptualizes a detailed software architecture hitting the bull’s eye regarding the software’s features. Finding the right software design steps and strategies is all about striking the right balance between user needs and business goals and not losing sight of either during the SDLC.
The product design of your software will include prototypes and the final mockups, ensuring they are exceptionally customer-centric. So the wireframes, standards, workflows, and end goals should be defined, keeping user interaction and final output in mind.
Proof of Value (POV) dives deeper into what the product means to your business, and it helps you determine if your goals are achievable or not!. Through the POV process, you can easily take a single case from beginning to end to inspect all the elements and understand the gaps along the way.
A POV provides a better understanding of the predicted value that the products will bring in and measure success.
Once we have all the vital elements like the POV, design document, and functional requirement specification document, we can start with coding and development. It is all about giving life to your product! The software product development engineering team has to ensure that their coding process is accurate since it is potentially the riskiest step of the SDLC. Once the complete architecture that includes the database, application programming interface, and planned functionality of the solution is built, we can move towards the testing stage.
Now that the team is developing the software, quality checking and testing are essential agile software development processes. It’s always recommended to test, track and fix bugs simultaneously. However, once the product is developed successfully, you must also have final testing.
You can start with these simple mobile app testing steps:
You need to be 100% sure that you are not distributing buggy software to customers; this can ruin your reputation and result in a loss of revenue. Testing plays a massive role in the software development procedure.
Once you are done with the product development process steps like designing, coding, and testing your application, now is the time for the actual installation of the crafted product. The application is now moved to production, including data and components transfer. However, during the subsequent releases, only some specific changes will be deployed. At this stage, end-users and system analysts can see, use and experiment with the ready application.
Simultaneously, the marketing team will keep developing a multi-platform approach to turn the spotlight on your product. This is eminent that the out-of-the-box strategies will focus on telling the product’s unique story, understanding the competitive analysis, investing in digital marketing, and creating social media and SEO master plans to enhance the product’s value.
If you think that you have accomplished all the SDLC methodologies, well, think again! The software development process steps are not over yet, and the final stage includes maintenance, operations, and regular updates. Since this process starts post-launch, keep in mind that the customer needs are evolving daily, making this step extremely essential.
The product will be upgraded, maintained, polished, redesigned, and enhanced according to the feedback of the customers and the rapid development in the IT sector. This would be a perfect time to modify the application’s functionalities to upgrade its performance. This way, you will be able to meet the actual needs of your target audience.
MVP Approach
The full form of MVP is – the minimum viable product. The MVP will help you gain the user’s perspective. How? Below are some important pointers for you to keep in mind:
Building an MVP is not the only important task but testing its viability is just as important too. A software product development company may think that the product can satisfy the needs of the customers, but until and unless the MVP test is run, nothing can be predicted.
There is no doubt that the custom software development cost can be high because it requires a lot of resources, including manpower, time, and money. However, there are certain steps that can be taken to lower the cost of product development software. These include
As reported by Grand View Research, the global business process outsourcing market was valued at USD 245.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2022 to 2030.
Outsourcing the software development process results in a decrease in the actual cost. You should consider your outsourcing options because
The above points may help you with the accurate estimation of custom software development cost.
We suggest you do your research and hire a software product development strategy company that is capable of meeting the quality requirements and completing your product successfully.
You should not be ambiguous about what you want when it comes to product development!. If the requirements are not clear your product can turn into a disaster because of haphazard design, unplanned functionality, and the lack of distinctness.
Documenting each and every requirement and expectation regarding your product will help you eliminate the room for vagueness. This will reduce the overall software development costs and save time for you, helping you focus on other important business problems and solutions.
Ensure that the testing team is involved every step of the way. Successful software developers reveal that they started testing for red flags, errors, or bugs right from the design phase.
If the errors are found at a later stage, the intensity of rework increases!. The quality check team will not only save the cost and time by reducing the chances for mid-project redesigning but also avoid sub-optimal application quality. By making software testing your ‘mantra’ you will throw light on potential risks and surface functionality conflicts.
We all buy gadgets and do not use about 50% of the features, the same is the case with software products!. They have a lot of unessential functions that your target audience will never use. Such features increase the development time and maintenance cost, so ensure that your product has the most viable features.
We advise you to start with a smaller chunk of money and create a basic product. Once it turns out to be profitable, you can always expand the functionalities of the product. This step will save you time and cost. Also, carry out proper market research to determine and forecast what your clients are embracing about your product.
Now that we know the ways to lower the costs of software product development, let’s move forward to know the methodologies of software development.
Businesses usually have two options when they get to the technical part of software development – building it in-house vs. getting it outsourced.
When you opt for in-house software development, you get complete control over who works on the project. You can look for professionals across different domains in the market and then hand-pick them to work on your project.
With an in-house team you get the guarantee that the team will be working whole and sole on your project and won’t be distracted by other projects. The downside of it can be that once the project is completed, it becomes difficult to retain those employees in-house.
If you need complete visibility and control of every individual aspect of the product’s development, building it in-house would be your best choice. You can sit with the development team and work on every individual element and feature-set that best defines your product’s vision and end goal.
The software development businesses, like the space itself, are all across the world. For a business in the US, the best approach would be to expand the search and look for software developers in both – other western nations and the eastern nations. By not limiting themselves to one region, they will be able to get specialized software developers at greater skillset and competitive rates.
There are a number of benefits that remote software developers bring to the table. Benefits range from a new mindset driven by geographical differences, competitive prices, and opening up of the business to a wider audience. These benefits also shape the – checking the price of the development, managing the time difference challenges, etc.
The price of software development varies greatly between western and eastern nations. What starts at a price of $10-15 per hour in the western countries ripples down to $8-10 per hour in India and surrounding eastern nations.
The prices, however, cannot be the only factor behind choosing a custom software development company. There are a number of software development outsourcing tips that should be considered by businesses.
Outsourcing can greatly expedite the time to market compared to in-house teams. Building an in-house team requires going through the complexities of recruiting, training, etc. which can be time-consuming. While on the other hand, a reliable software development outsourcing company can build a minimum viable product (MVP) in around 12 weeks by adhering to a nimble, agile approach.
By outsourcing software development, businesses can free up their time and resources to focus on core business activities like brand building, and R&D to give value-driven services to their customers.
As for the technology section of software development, it can be best to leave it to the outsourcing firms who can give advice to business leaders and help them through new-age technologies like data analytics, cloud computing, AI, and Blockchain.
Case study
Choosing the right partner is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. After all, you are going to spend your hard-earned money on a project that you have always dreamt of. Check out the top tips for hiring the right software product development company:
For validating a company’s experience and other professional trajectories, contact those businesses that have actually hired your preferred partner earlier. Additionally, you can also check their testimonials which will give you an insight into the client review. This will help you know their experience and what kind of final outcome they have received.
For your product to be of top-notch quality, your software development partner should have the ability and excellence in modern software development. Find out if they have proper knowledge about the technology and industry. It is always good to hire a software development team that has worked with various industry verticals and different components of various software.
Before deciding to pick your software development partner, you need to clearly understand and define the needs of your project. Once you have done that, you will know exactly what services you require from the custom software development company.
It is vital for you to check all the software product development services which the company itself is providing. It is more convenient to work with companies that offer a full-service cycle like software development, testing, and design. Also, you need to know if the company will be providing the necessary support and maintenance post the software launch.
Experience is one of the important things in the modern software development process. You need to cross-check the years of experience an organization has in the industry and the type of projects they have worked in. Check on the directory site like Clutch, where you can find the complete details about the company, including client testimonials and reviews. By knowing your previous experience, you can justify if the company is suitable for meeting your software development needs.
Each software development company has its unique process of developing intuitive software. Usually, companies follow flexible approaches to methodologies. For example, most software development companies rely on an agile software development process, which makes the entire process adaptable to different changes that can happen in re-developing an application. However, a few stick to a limited number of methodologies. Companies these days either prefer Agile or Scrum methodology for software development.
One of the first questions you ask while closing a deal is the pricing. The cost of developing an application depends on the size and type of the project, along with the size of the software development team. Other than that, there are also several contributing factors like technology stack and other feature implementation. Make sure you do your own part of research to know about the price of developing a particular project so that you can justify the charges asked by the company.
Software development practices are constantly improvising and evolving. The year 2022 marks the moment where we need to rethink the industry workflows, software product development strategies, and guidelines and embrace a wide range of new tech solutions. Let’s check out some of the best practices for building the right software solution:
For any product development process, you need to first come up with a systematic vision of your product. This vision includes a deeper understanding of the market trends and conditions along with the features to maximize the income and minimize the time to market. Best practices, along with proper technology in place, can help develop a great product. Ask these questions to identify the target outcome:
In other words, you need to understand the ways of successful product development.
Design and architecture still matter a great deal. Therefore, defining your design roadmap or software design steps early in the process of software development can help you achieve the desired outcome. Get your system architecture defined in detail in the form of Minimum Viable Product or MVP. This will help you to build an architecture roadmap.
The benefit here is twofold. First, the stakeholders gain complete visibility of where their project is standing while the development team gets to know what are the next steps that they need to take. Beyond architecture and design, you will also need to define your technology stack at this stage as well as determine the skills that you will be required to cover across the development process.
After you’re done with your research part, test your prototypes with your potential users. Testing your app with real users is extremely vital for your app. It’s obvious that you have a clear idea of what your app is all about. But how sure are you that your app appears viable to others?
That is the reason why getting better feedback from your users has become so vital. Undergo a user testing process where the users will utilize your app and inform and talk about their experiences with you.
Beta-testing is another crucial step prior to your app launch, which also ensures that the popularity of your app continues. This is another way to know how your app is going to perform in the app store.
Why beta testing?
It is done to find the bugs that are hampering your app’s user experience. The beta testers help in detecting errors in the beta version of your app. So prior to your app launch, ensure that you are solving all the bugs and issues that are associated with your app.
Social media is one of the most amazing mediums for creating hype amongst users. This is also one of the greatest options for building a strong community of your users. Choose a few platforms where you can find many engaging audiences.
Keep posting blogs or any other posts related to your app on various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
A team picks a specific set of product development software tools and procedures for the software product design, testing, management, and other software development processes. These choices rely on the aim that stands before the team and the objectives of the product that is to be built.
Here are the most well-known software development models used by various experienced teams across the IT ecosystem.
Waterfall model
This model presumes that each stage is finished before the beginning of the next one. For instance, QA engineers begin testing solely after programming is done.
V-shaped model
It is much like the waterfall model with a slight difference – the testing co-occurs with the other major stride of the software development process.
This model is split into builds. It implies that the product is developed with discrete squares/parts. In other words, the product is built like an enigma.
In this model, the project development is split among small teams who work simultaneously.
Agile model
It is an incremental model where each delivery focuses on better software quality. This methodology is broadly spread amongst teams and customers as it displays consistent processes and fast results. Time taken to each build can be measured by weeks rather than months.
The agile product development process and its most popular methodology – scrum, give you an interactive and dynamic experience. Agile product development methodologies will give you the power to collaborate with customers, interact with individuals, stay in constant touch with the team working on your project, and produce sustainable, profitable, and successful products.
It is all about accelerating the process, making it more efficient, and responding to the real needs of your customers, even if it does not align with your initial product development plan. The agile product development process helps you go with the flow and move in one direction, understanding that you’ll change course along the way because of the constantly evolving technology and requirements. Also, this is the reason why the agile approach is practical when it comes to startups.
The most important outcome of following the software product development phases is that it will give the project execution process fluency. Understand that the SDLC can be structured to the needs of a particular project to deliver the best product possible.
However, for a seamless SDLC process, you must search for a reliable custom software product development company that involves the latest technologies of the current time.
Appinventiv is one of the leading custom software application development companies. Appinventiv’s product development team accomplishes understanding, designing, developing, testing, and finally evolving your product. We align lean principles in our software development process.
Lean development principles is an agile approach developed on lean manufacturing principles. We assist in discovering, designing, engineering, and scaling up your product. At Appinventiv, we excel in customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness, and efficient workflows. Contact our experts!
A. Outsourcing software product development is about delegating software development activities responsibilities to a particular vendor. It covers the lack of internal expertise or resources that support business growth and other digital transformation activities.
A. Software quality standards are different rules, specifications, or guidelines used to ensure that developed software products fit the quality parameters. For example, ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard for information security.
A. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning software solutions are widely utilized in various business domains. The role of such advanced software product development solutions is to improvise business processes, reduce manual work, and help achieve better business results.
A. Software development methodology can be defined as the process in which software is developed. There are a number of different processes that the developers follow – agile, waterfall, lean development, etc.
A. There are multiple software development tools that the developers make use of to streamline the process of application development. Some of the most time-tested ones of those are
The software development tools together make it easy to answer how to make a software.

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