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Top 11 Digital Transformation Influencers | Intelligent Automation Network – AiiA

Digital Transformation Demystified
Staying up-to-date on the latest digital transformation (DX), RPA, intelligent automation and enterprise data trends can be exhausting. However, as the digital transformation “thought leader” arena becomes more and more crowded, effectively identifying voices that are both reliable and resonant can be difficult.
To help you break through the noise, we curated this list of the top 11 influencers in the digital transformation space. While some of these individuals are well-established names, others are on the rise. Our goal was to create a well-rounded list that incorporated a mix of tech visionaries,  pragmatic operational perspectives, digital leadership experts and editorial POVs. We hope you enjoy and tell us what you think via LinkedIN or @AiiA_Network. 
Focus: digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, blockchain, enterprise technology trends, business process automation and sustainability.
When it comes to condensing complex data and trends into digestible infographics, no one does it better Antonio Grasso. With over 240K followers on Twitter, Antonio Grasso is one of the most retweeted digital transformation thought leaders on the platform. In addition to being a dominant voice on social media, Antonio Grasso is also the CEO and founder of Digital Business Innovation srl, a boutique advisory firm 


Focus: futurism, customer experience, scaling innovation, digital leadership, web3, creativity, cognitive enterprise, enterprise automation, humanizing AI, leading digital transformations
A digital anthropologist and futurist, Brian Solis has built a career on his ability to translate technology trends into actionable strategic insights. In addition to frequently speaking at tech conferences all around the world, Solis has also published 9 books, dozens of research papers and countless articles. As Saleforces’s Global Innovation Evangelist, much of Solis’s recent work centers around the customer experience and marketing transformation. However, as one of the tech industry’s leading futurists, he also produces strong content pertaining to emerging technology, navigating disruption and transformational leadership. 


Focus: Intelligent automation, digital transformation, RPA, transformational leadership, continuous improvement, the future of business process automation, hyperautomation, digital strategy 

The man who literally wrote the book on Intelligent Automation, Ian Barkin has become one of LinkedIn’s leading industry voices. In fact, he’s authored multiple LinkedIn trainings on intelligent automation, process mining and RPA. A must-follow for seasoned digital transformation veterans and newbies alike, Ian offers multiple perspectives in one: that of an experienced digital transformation practitioner, innovation visionary and tech investor. 

Focus: digital transformation, organizational leadership, enterprise data management, sustainability, data ethics, digital strategy development, change management, cybersecurity, applied machine learning, artificial intelligence trends, business process automation

Last name sound familiar? Continuing the family tradition, Linda Grasso founded DeltalogiX, a technology blog that focuses on digital transformation in particula, but also covers cybersecurity, sustainability, AI, data analytics and IoT. Follow Linda for viral infographics and practical insights pertaining to the latest digital technology trends. 


Focus: digital transformation, artificial intelligence, edge computing, enterprise technology trends, intelligent automation strategy, futurism, natural language processing, cloud computing, data management and governance 
Tech industry analyst, speaker and business advisor, Maribel Lopez has helped companies “understand and navigate digital transformation” for over two decades. In addition to hosting multiple podcasts and contributing to various publications, she’s also the founder of Lopez Research, a market research and strategy consulting firm. For those looking to stay up-to-date on enterprise IT trends, emerging technology and organizational design. 

Focus: digital transformation for good, digital marketing, sustainability, technology ethics, leadership, global collaboration, change management, customer-centricity, innovation trends

As the Group Director of Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation at Thales, Hamilton Mann  “leads the implementation of Group transverse Digital initiatives to drive Business Innovation and Growth by making experimentation the norm.” In addition to leading marketing transformation efforts across 68 countries for Thales, Mann is also the founder of The Hamilton Mann Conversation. A sort of MasterClass on how digital technology can be used to benefit society, The Hamilton Mann Conversation regularly publishes interviews with corporate executives, entrepreneurs, public officials and academics. 
Focus: digital transformation, artificial intelligence, sustainable innovation, physical automation, digital leadership, enterprise innovation, global perspectives, cultural transformation, change management, personal development
As both a technology expert and executive leadership coach, Nadia doesn’t only just post about the latest industry trends, she offers actionable advice on how to spearhead them. In addition to being a regular speaker at industry events, Nadia has authored two books: Leveraging Digital Transformation and The Digital Transformation Success Formula.
Focus: digital marketing, digital transformation, commercialization, innovation trends, creativity, leadership, spearheading change, global perspectives, martech
Currently the CEO of Trinity Consulting, Anthony is an expert on linking digital technology to business growth. In addition to regularly posting inspirational quotes, Anthony also offers sound advice pertaining to digital leadership, commercializing innovation and business resilience.   

Focus: executive leadership, workplace technology, HR transformation, the future of work, cultural transformation, organizational psychology, startup trends
Formerly the CHRO of Google, Laszlo Bock has worked at the intersection of technology, people and business for close to two decades. He’s even published a manifesto of sorts: Work Rules! Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead.  A regular contributor to Fortune, Forbes and Yale Insights, Lazlo’s expertise lies in combining empathy, technology and structure to maximize human performance. 

Focus: data monetization, data transformation, artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, startups, machine learning
No digital transformation strategy is complete without a sound enterprise data strategy. The former Chief Evangelist at SAP and the author of “Making Money Out Of Data,” Shailendra’s expertise lies in the business of data and analytics. For those looking to monetize enterprise data as part of their digital transformation, he’s a must-follow. 

Focus: general technology reporting, investigative journalism, artificial intelligence research, tech industry news, autonomous vehicles, cyber risk, AI ethics, quantum computing, virtual reality, the business of technology

Ok, we’ll admit, to call Cade an “influencer” is a mischaracterization. In truth Cade Metz is a seasoned tech reporter for the New York Times. A reliable resource for general tech industry news as well as more thoughtful long-form investigative pieces, Cade reports on everything from the safety autonomous driving tech to developments in quantum computing to alleged “cult-like religious sects” infiltrating the ranks at Google. Last year he also published “Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World,” a recent history of deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI). 
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