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Which country is the best for software development outsourcing? – jim o brien

Ireland's Leading Independent Award Winning News & Tech Review Site. Tech kept simple.
The market for software development is growing progressively. The total expenditure on IT services across the world reached 1.2 Trillion dollars by the year 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic has put a positive impact on the software development market. Reports present an increase of 9.8% in the IT market in the pandemic years. An outrageous competition is noticed among most of the developed countries in outsourcing software development. There are many factors like skill, competency, offshore software development rates and salary of software developers which determine the choice of the country for outsourcing software development. Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Costa Rica and India are the top noticeable countries in software development outsourcing. 
In accordance with the current reports, Ukraine is in the top position for offshore software development. 
Number of programmers
Ukraine holds 172,000 professional software developers with more than 750 software companies. It has more than 200,000 programmers. 
The software developer salaries range from $800 to $6000. The offshore software development rate in Ukraine is approximately 11 Dollars per hour.  
23,000 engineers graduate annually in Ukraine. The popular technical languages are JavaScript, Python and Java. 
Level of English 
According to research, 85% of Ukraine software developers have an advanced grip in English mostly intermediate & upper intermediate. 
Poland is an important member of the top software outsourcing countries list. 
Number of programmers
Currently, it holds 295,300 software developers. 
The average software developer’s salary ranges from $700 to $7000. The hourly rate for software development ranges from $13 to $ 32. 
65,000 engineers graduate annually in Poland. It has a strong educational background. Polish software developers can also speak other languages like German and French. 
Level of English 
According to reports, more than 31% of the Polish software developers have a strong grip on advanced English with 53% having upper- intermediate and intermediate. 
It is another important country for outsourcing software development.
Number of programmers
It holds more than 160,000 programmers. 
The average software development salaries range from $800 to $ 6000. The average offshore software development rate is $6,30 per hour. 
Kazakhstan has more than 160,000 software developers. The common technical languages are Java, PHP, HTML and Python. 
Level of English 
They have a satisfactory command of English. According to reports, Kazakhstan holds a low position in English proficiency. It ranked 92nd among 100 countries on the English proficiency index. 
Number of programmers
There are currently 5.8 million programmers in India. 
The hourly rate of a software developer salary is $ 6,46. 
India has a huge number of programming specialists. 35% of Indians have a strong grip on Python. The level of education is a bit lower in India. 
Level of English 
Most software developers have a satisfactory grip on the English language. 
Number of programmers
There are currently 22,701 software developers in Costa Rica. 
The average salary of software developers in Costa Rica ranges from 33,079 Dollars to 46,215 Dollars. 
Costa Rica takes second place in Latin America by programming skills. 
Level of English 
Software developers in Costa Rica have good fluency in English.
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