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The Future of Software Development in 2022 and Beyond – Entrepreneur

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The software development industry is fundamentally dynamic, and has seen several changes since the beginning of the century.
As 2022 is now here, tech personnel and firms must take note of the new trends in the software productivity space and adjust accordingly to meet the growing expectations of the market. The future is uncertain, and if we have learned anything from the past several months is the value of being prepared for the unexpected. There are key trends especially in the areas of remote working, , , cybersecurity and that must be considered. 
The freedom and ability to operate from anywhere will be permanent in the future of . An article by Computer Weekly suggests that the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the growth of remote work among developers, with a reduction of office working by 74% since the pandemic hit. Studies also suggest the growth of hybrid working — some work done remotely and others into the office — will be imminent. Firms are expected to accommodate remote working systems by 46% compared to before the global health crisis. 
The power of artificial intelligence (AI) will also be leveraged. 2022 will be an important year in the use of AI, especially in the software development space. Integrating AI into existing technologies will offer a meaningful platform for better decision-making, better outcomes, efficiency, and enhanced digital experience.
The adoption of AI will be accompanied by cloud computing and Kubernetes. Kubernetes will allow developers and in the software development industry to run their applications on a multi-cloud system. In general, cloud technologies will enable developers to scale up systems and incorporate chatbots and cognitive services.
Cross-platform development will be on the rise come 2022 and the years beyond. Because of the challenges associated with the development of “only for iOS”, “only for Android” or “only for Windows,” software development enterprises are increasingly exploring cross-platform development. With the help of innovative technologies, cross-platform development will be able to support different platforms with a single code base, thereby reducing the need for additional engineering resources. In other words, cross-development capabilities have a huge economic significance, saving developers a substantial amount of time and resources. 
Related: Why Outsourcing to a Nearshore Software Development Company Might Be the Right Move
The future of the development of software will see a significant rise in the changing demands of cybersecurity. The progression into an intense digitally interconnected era means business enterprises can no longer ignore cybersecurity threats. Criminal activities in the virtual space are costing businesses up to $6 trillion a year according to recent research. Therefore, software developers and customer software companies are forced to deviate from the traditional cyber protection measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software to rethink new ways of protection. Software development experts suggest the implementation of cybersecurity mesh during software development. 
Repetitive tasks in software development will be automated. Thanks to AI, cloud computing, robotics and several other emerging technologies, automation will be an inevitable trend in the software development space. For instance, a significant number of software development enterprises are incorporating (with many others considering) (RPA) techniques for purposes of achieving higher efficiency. RPA aims to address redundant and rotary tasks suited to machines instead of human labor. The biggest advantage of integrating RPA into software development is that it gives individual developers more time to focus more on the creative side of software development.
Related: How Software Developer Freelancers are Filling the Skill Gap 
Another critical trend that will be observed in 2022 is fast innovation and prototyping. Software development is unpredictable, volatile and very competitive. Individuals and firms in this industry must constantly innovate or get wiped out from the industry. As such, as 2022 nears, software development firms will be forced to develop a culture of innovation by rewarding innovative employees accordingly and creating avenues for software development. Many firms are likely to follow this trend — those that will fail to do so, or limit innovation, will risk losing their competitive advantage. 
Emerging trends indicate that the future of software development will undergo significant change. The wide array of new technologies and innovations has huge implications for the software development space. Software development firms cannot afford to pay attention to emerging trends. Companies that choose to invest time, finances and other resources to adjust to the expectations of the changing market are the ones that will achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. 
Related: How AI Will Transform Software Development
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